
crenk3130 t1_j6nrgfk wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pleasant St, Brunswick by [deleted]

it’s even funnier that you think any of us want to listen to your useless drivel in their place.. go complain to the proper channels if you want something done instead of whining about it on reddit. vote someone else into their place, hell, RUN FOR SOMETHING since you’re mister idea man with all the ideas!


crenk3130 t1_j6nokys wrote

have you wrote to your: • Town Manager • Town Council • State Rep • State Senator • Local Highway Department • Maine DOT

any of those might get you further than complaining into the void on reddit to people that couldn’t possibly care less


crenk3130 t1_j2eu8ct wrote

wow, you are quite literally too stupid to make fun of. Governor Sam Brownback is an actual person, a former governor of Kansas whose libertarian policies were so incredibly unpopular and destructive (they literally couldn’t even keep street lights on or cops on the payroll the state was so broke) that they were repealed less than 4 years after their introduction, and the state of kansas is still deeply in debt due to his policies.


crenk3130 t1_j2erftg wrote

yeah dude absolutely! however, since our public education system is fully integrated into the social services package that YOU receive as a resident of your town, state, and country, in order to not be a hypocrite you would also need to do some little things like stop using public roads, sidewalks and spaces, stop using emergency response services such as 911, as well as refusing delivery of any and all utilities, including cable and electricity.

if this is too burdensome for you i guess you could also establish your own sovereign state where public education isn’t offered.


crenk3130 t1_iyndu5v wrote

this is nonsensical but i’ll entertain it. if the population that you’re giving that extra 8 years to is SO dead set in their ways that they won’t change now, why is giving them 8 extra years going to change anything? the gulf of maine is the second fastest warming body of water in the world and has been for a decade; that is NOT new information. ocean acidification and de-salinization is making it harder for lobsters, crabs, clams, etc. to develop and maintain their shells, which will impact future harvests as a higher percentage of young populations fail to mature. so, as these things CONTINUE to occur to a greater extent, what THEN will be the incentive for lobsterman to change after a decade of being the pampered by people who don’t want to tell them the hard truth of their situation, that their industry WILL DIE absent widespread intervention and reform.

lobsterman can keep burying their heads into the sand if they want but i guess i just don’t want to hear about it when the bottom falls out on a group of workers who are belligerently resistant to any and all changes