
cristobaldelicia t1_itqqjl3 wrote

It may be too late. Much of the world may be turning into a "MadMax" hellscape. I think you're greatly underestimating how central fossil fuel tech is too our global civilization, not just "tech" generally. Forget social media. As far as Boomers, I think you're throwing stones from a glass house. Boomers are intimately familiar with the "romantic relationship with nature" because it was called "being a hippie" back in their day!


cristobaldelicia t1_itqp9kf wrote

They already do in the form of subsidies. Do a little research into how much the fossil fuel industry gets, maybe starting with Missippi and the offshore oil in the Gulf. They are handsomely rewarded, not just in huge profits that are only recently falling below the tech giants.


cristobaldelicia t1_itqop9d wrote

Apparently you're not paying attention because there's a f'n war in Europe! "Who knows?" Do you watch the news at all? Deliberate, willful ignorance is worse than just ignorance. Plus, even reluctantly tolerating Trump in the Republican party, is accepting facism. Democrats may not get a lot done, but they are not actively destroying democracy. There is no equivalence. The two-party system is indeed very flawed. The status quo is sickening, especially seeing Biden to give up any Green principals to keep the price of gas low. But there are worse things. And the rise of the extreme right in Europe is one.


cristobaldelicia t1_itqmcvb wrote

Wait, you're saying racism has ended? Even if you're talking about some small enlightened enclave somwhere.. you're really comparing the invention of the aircraft to racism? SMH. "the end of racism", that's quite a nice little bubble you've constructed for yourself.


cristobaldelicia t1_itqjirc wrote

Doesn't look like the poster is going to answer, but such people forget how ruthlessly anti-Communist the Nazis were. From the beginning of Hitler's power, Heinrich Müller, head of the Gestapo, was appointed to hunt and imprison Communists. That was soon changed to include Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and whoever else the Nazis declared an enemy. Nazis have nothing to do with leftist international socialism. A lot of Americans are too dense to appreciate the difference and see the word "socialist" and go crazy.