
crossy1686 t1_iy2mp1j wrote

Maybe this isn’t obvious to you but it’s not the phone that’s the issue, it’s you. Delete the apps and stop looking at your phone so much, work on your behaviour instead of radically changing your lifestyle because you can’t behave properly.


crossy1686 t1_iud3p3b wrote

The pandemic kicked a lot of games down the road by a year or so, also, it’s pretty hard to convince developers to stop making games for the PS4, which millions and millions of people own, and make games exclusively for the PS5, which people are struggling to get their hands on. It wouldn’t be smart business to launch a game exclusively on PS5 right now unless Sony are willing to cut you a deal.

PS I hate the haptic feedback on the triggers, if I press a trigger, I don’t want it to fight back.