
cryptofutures100xlev t1_ja9m5ai wrote

John had always been fascinated by the idea of saving the world. He had grown up watching movies about superheroes and had always dreamed of being the one to save humanity from disaster. So when a massive asteroid was discovered hurtling towards Earth, John saw it as his chance to finally make a difference.

John worked tirelessly to come up with a solution. He consulted with other scientists on Discord and spent countless hours studying the asteroid's trajectory. And finally, he came up with a plan. He would build a giant laser that would destroy the asteroid before it could hit Earth.

John threw himself into the project, working day and night to build the laser. And when it was finally complete, he couldn't wait to put it to the test. He gathered a team of experts and they set up the laser on a platform in the desert.

The laser worked perfectly, blasting a beam of energy at the asteroid and shattering it into a million pieces. John watched with pride as the debris burned up in the atmosphere, knowing that he had saved the world.

But as time passed, something strange began to happen. The debris from the asteroid began to rain down on Earth, causing massive destruction and loss of life. John had not considered the consequences of destroying the asteroid, and now the world was paying the price.

Desperate to fix his mistake, John tried everything he could think of. But it was too late. The damage had been done, and there was no going back.

In the end, John was left alone in his lab, staring at the ruins of his creation. He had set out to save the world, but his actions had only led to its destruction. And as he gazed at the devastation around him, he couldn't help but think back to that day in the desert when he had first tested the laser.

"If I can't have the glory of saving the world," he muttered to himself, "then I'll have the glory of ending it!"

And with that, John took out his phone and opened the YouTube app to play what would be his final, cold, and beautiful vibe.

Sub-Zero Meditation: A Dark Atmospheric Ambient Journey