
cshellcujo t1_itas23l wrote

This NIH metastudy is somewhat interesting to read. The data that was used to justify water fluoridation has some questionable origins to begin with. The article then goes on to mention that fluoride is only effective topically, not systemically. It ranges significantly per community how much is in the water, and theres absolutely no way to regulate how much individuals are “dosing” fluoride daily. They use doses of 5mg/day to treat hyperthyroidism, and at 0.8ppm-1.2ppm (~0.8-1.2mg/L) an adult can easily consume more than that.

Just some food for thought. The intent might not be some global cabals shot at dimming down the average IQ, but that doesn’t mean they’re right or that the practice isn’t outdated/doesn’t need revision.
