cstmoore t1_jbcru3y wrote
"What's the worst that could happen?" asked Herman Kahn.
cstmoore t1_ja3z77m wrote
Reply to comment by iayork in Do lymphocytes always have 46 chromosomes? by Few_Abrocoma1475
Feynman might disagree. Just because the word is used conventionally doesn't mean it's accurate. Its continued use gives it an undeserved legitimacy that helps to perpetuate the inaccuracy.
cstmoore t1_ja3ttlc wrote
Reply to comment by Few_Abrocoma1475 in Do lymphocytes always have 46 chromosomes? by Few_Abrocoma1475
I agree, but I take issue with the use of the word "designed."
cstmoore t1_j9upm7i wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreatJaceyGee in PsBattle: Three Cheetahs in a row by qilir
Officer: "How many cheetahs am I holding up?"
cstmoore t1_j91weki wrote
Reply to comment by OoohItsAMystery in TIFU by eating a Happy Meal by PatientWillow4
I (M-stack overflow) will sometimes just buy the toys. Captain Snuggles and Iron Man are staring across my desk at me right now.
cstmoore t1_j8u46a0 wrote
Reply to A ballet director didn't like this critic's review. So he attacked her with dog feces by CletusCanuck
The ballet director was merely demonstrating a Pooetté.
cstmoore t1_j8t1s0s wrote
Reply to comment by Pobbes in Americans are ready to test embryos for future college chances, survey shows by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
Exactly. This was the point they made in the episode. Instead of helping those who need the resources, they would double down on those who needed the resources the least. (If they're great now, then just think how much greater they could be with even more resources!)
cstmoore t1_j8t1r05 wrote
Reply to comment by Pobbes in Americans are ready to test embryos for future college chances, survey shows by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
Exactly. This was the point they made in the episode. Instead of helping those who need the resources, they would double down on those who needed the resources the least. (If they're great now, then just think how much greater they could be with even more resources!)
cstmoore t1_j8si0f6 wrote
Reply to Morning essence by linuxknight
I'm glad to see that's a reflection on the coffee's surface because I was beginning to wonder whose essence was floating on top.
cstmoore t1_j8sh893 wrote
Reply to comment by Valarbetarn in Americans are ready to test embryos for future college chances, survey shows by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
Numb3rs S1E11 "Sacrifice" covered this. >!Based on the zip code where a person was born and raised could determine their chances of success. Zip codes fostering those with low chances of success could have their public funds redirected to zip codes containing persons seen as having a greater chance of success.!<
cstmoore t1_j86ffak wrote
Reply to comment by BadMinotaur in Inmendham's sabotage, Gojkovic, Digital, 2023 by IPcreator
TIL antinatalism is a thing.
OK, then.
cstmoore t1_j86ezlj wrote
Reply to comment by schnelle_Libelle in Inmendham's sabotage, Gojkovic, Digital, 2023 by IPcreator
cstmoore t1_j74w3zl wrote
Reply to [Image] The choice is yours. by yadavhimanshu961
F*ck Everything And Relax
cstmoore t1_j73lo7v wrote
Reply to comment by grimtrigger86 in Mexican Tourist Whacked with Stick, Heckled after Illegally Climbing Sacred Mayan Pyramid. by ThePinkTeenager
True. I climbed it. (Actually, I walked right up like climbing a mall's stationary escalator. Easy, NBD. Then I turned around and saw the steps from the top. I looked around and took a bunch of pictures. Then I eventually got my nerves together and descended by scooting down on my butt… one step at a time.) I even bought the CD of pictures the guide took of me there.
So, yeah, not so sacred, but I do see how people could get hurt.
cstmoore t1_j68feta wrote
Reply to comment by JaimeEtc in TIFU Currently happening: I went to bathroom and didn’t look around first by norfolk82
I go through life as an empty asshole.
cstmoore t1_j6737m5 wrote
Reply to AP Stylebook includes 'The French' in list of 'general and often dehumanizing 'the' labels. by wewhomustnotbenamed
But "Belgian" is still acceptable? /s
cstmoore t1_j4ihki5 wrote
Reply to comment by DrMux in This $200 VR muzzle lets you strap a second bulky device to your head by Teeterama
You misspelled "faptic." /s
cstmoore t1_j3lyofv wrote
Reply to comment by bdogg_72 in A client asked me to draw Nancy from the Craft in Junji ito style, really liked the end result [OC] by Malandrartes
Came here to say this. Imagine my surprise. Great minds, etc.
cstmoore t1_j22j9q9 wrote
Reply to comment by cstmoore in I have a question about generational ships. by bigmikemcbeth756
If you're not already familiar with it Project Orion is worth a look. One of the theoretical applications was to power a multi-generational ship.
Edit: typo
cstmoore t1_j22isw3 wrote
Reply to comment by CryoAurora in I have a question about generational ships. by bigmikemcbeth756
The series "[Ascension](http://Ascension (miniseries) - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_(miniseries))" is worth a look.
cstmoore t1_j21gr9l wrote
In my experience (not a vet, cat sitter of 15+ years) the yowling is probably from the deafness, and to a lesser extent, the dementia.
Has her activity level changed?
Does she exhibit any signs of physical pain or distress?
Is she grooming herself?
Has your vet suggested anything like Zofran or Cerenia for the nausea?
How's her appetite? Does she stay sufficiently hydrated? (drinks enough water)
Is she eliminating and urinating normally? Does the output look normal.
What behavioral meds have you tried?
If you have the means and it won't unduly stress out your cat, then the bloodwork could help figure out what's going on with her.
While many say 17 years is a long life for a cat (it is) many of my own cats and those in my care have reached 20 and beyond. If your cat has an issue that might be a be easily remedied and allows her to have some more happy and pain-free time, then why not look a little longer for non-heroic options before considering saying goodbye?
My 2¢.
cstmoore t1_j1hhp7u wrote
Reply to comment by impairedblur in TIFU by leaving a laptop in harms way by Dog_in_human_costume
This is the correct answer.
cstmoore t1_j1bqz5r wrote
Reply to comment by FilthyGorilla44 in TIFU by leaving a laptop in harms way by Dog_in_human_costume
Too much? 😁
cstmoore t1_j19sm33 wrote
Reply to comment by Grimdek in TIFU by leaving a laptop in harms way by Dog_in_human_costume
Poured? Waterboarded!
cstmoore t1_jdok90j wrote
Reply to comment by IrisRowan in TIFU by waxing my underarm at home by Ok-Train-4244
This person waxes.