
ctusa73 t1_j8sh246 wrote

Ok so let's say I am on a 2 lane highway the right lane has cars doing 60 to 65 here and there. I and a stream of cars are going faster at 75. Nobody wants to go right and get locked in at 60 because one guy thinks he is entitled to go 100. He weaves , cuts people off, using truck lane to pass people. I just wish cops did traffic like it was 1980


ctusa73 t1_j866rw3 wrote

Get that book or pdf, read it through. It mentions nice public access places, boat rental and launches. Also limits on howmuch you should consume. Snappers are fun. But that is an August thing. Trout are stocked for the start of the season.. best tasting fish are often right at the low end of the size limit. Also seek out small boat and bait shops they are knowledgeable. I mean cabelas and bass pro are great. But with Walmart they killed the small bait shops. You can probably get a starter pole and a gold phoebe and catch trout on opening day, for less than$20 that's where most kids start


ctusa73 t1_iye2w8k wrote

A lot of shit is gonna die when people get their electric bills and gas goes up with the gas tax. Huge numbers of people only sat down restaurant dine a few times a month. Raising cost ate my surplus even with a $2 raise. I gave up Dunkin for homebrew or 99c refills. My secret recession coffee trick is always go to the same gas station, always buy some gas...I know some of you like to fill your tank... But believe me putting $10 in a day, buying my old fashioned newspaper or ice for the beer chest... Often they don't even charge you 99c for the coffee especially if you're friendly with the staff and neat.


ctusa73 t1_iye1j6q wrote

Get a heavy duty mulching mower that pulls itself. As an old man I gotta warm up to keep up with the thing! You really have to do trouble areas often just run over as many as you can now. Then do it in the spring. Just keep driving over them with the mower.


ctusa73 t1_ixxqf4a wrote

Talk to a good realtor. We were looking rural low tax. The truth about CT is the more inconvenient the location the lower the taxes. But stacked side to side lower tax areas have better schools, less crime, because shit bags can't afford the entry price. There are sneaky low tax communities. Like 6 miles to a secondary state road and 25 minute round trip for milk. If you want closeness to anything price that. Want to live x minutes to blank... It's all taxes v. Service...


ctusa73 t1_iugugv2 wrote

Have you ever smelled the Tuck. My favorite tuck story was how people who grew up in naugatuck got into dope dealing. I mean people would move out of state and visit family and traffic drugs. The FBI busted a shit load. Guess how that helped. All the taxpaying chefs, construction workers, other highly specific jobs died. The cops and fbi took out the safe source, they jailed the regular suppliers who normally stayed under the radar, partly by good , yet safe. They mostly had professional jobs so they went to jail, or worse, and their customers, the towns, best friend, cousin. Uncle... Fed an addiction wherever they could and fucking died. Slow clap murder of hard working naugatuck by making your brother mother cousin best friend find a new dealer because the guy at the bar was hanging himself in jail who delivered your addiction safely.


ctusa73 t1_iugt5qi wrote

Yea, nips are already way overpriced. You would think people would buy a canteen or big bottle and refill nips...but they don't because you can drink 3 nips on the way home and toss them out the window. And the coffee cup that hid 24oz of Michelob ultra 24oz. Can be tossed to. As long as your not to fucked up you'll possibly pass a sober test. But not many rush hour sober tests...I mean , if you can drive at a reasonable speed, stay off devices, you probably aren't a bad driver with a few nips or beers. I think drunk driving is bad. But 2beers in your car at 4, when you work till 330 is just responsible drinking. You can drink and drive responsibly. A few ruin it for most.


ctusa73 t1_iu7t32a wrote

Reply to I’m blind by soulofsoniy

I have a Chevy with stock lights and get the beam flash so I show them what my beams are actually like
