
cujobob t1_j9a9euf wrote

Apple acquired a company that solved this, I believe. Whether it can be done accurately (consistently) and affordably is another issue.

I’ve been waiting for this feature since I’d heard about it. I’m not diabetic, but everyone benefits from having that information. I’d buy one for everyone in my family.


cujobob t1_j8xnxu0 wrote

It would make absolutely no sense for him to lie about such a thing.

““All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed in FEC filings. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the f—k out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.””

Spoken like a true MAGA.


“Stuart McPhail, senior litigation counsel at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group that filed an FEC complaint against Bankman-Fried last week, says his claims and the campaign finance charges could spur changes to election laws.

“There are a number of loopholes and limits that Sam Bankman-Fried was able to exploit that Congress can fix,” he tells TIME. “He directed money to influence elections but hid where that money came from.””

It just sort of seems like you don’t want it to be true so you won’t believe it’s true. If you have evidence that he lied, state that evidence.


cujobob t1_ivjbz1t wrote

The weird part here is that you didn’t address the entire point I originally made regarding why people are confused by this. By today’s standards, even what’s accused, would be completely mild compared to what those on the highest court and in other areas of the government are doing. You’re pushing a narrative. I literally stated I believed it should be looked into. Your bias is showing and that’s why you’re being downvoted.


cujobob t1_iviiapu wrote

How can I ignore an issue that hasn’t been confirmed to be true? She’s being investigated… hence the title “probing US Attorney.”

You may like to assume that violations occur without evidence, but that’s not how the real world works.

If her meeting with Biden was signed off on, then it is possible her attending a function makes sense. That’s apparently what is being said in her defense. The article states this. Read the article.


cujobob t1_ivih7w4 wrote

Taking financial rewards? The article says she attended a fundraiser related to Jill Biden and she claims she was given permission to do so.

It stands out this is being probed by people unfamiliar with the topic because we have a Supreme Court Justice whose wife literally tried to have an election overturned, a Court all tied to the Federalist Society, and so on, but this woman attended a fundraiser and it’s potentially improper.

I believe it should be looked into if it meets the threshold for impropriety, but it’s still sort of weird that more powerful people can do it all day and night and nothing happens. It’s kind of like saying there’s a speed limit for anyone making under $100,000 a year only. Sure there are different mechanisms in place to hold others accountable, but they’re obviously broken.


cujobob t1_iu5e39q wrote

There’s no BIFL cordless vacuum because of battery drain and since they’re designed to be lighter.

The best course of action is to buy the best value that meets your criteria. Dyson’s are popular which makes getting additional batteries easier, however, be careful with quality. A battery lasts 1.5 to 2 years IME.

The V8 and LG A…9? Vacuums represent the best value I’ve seen, but lately the V8 has been near the price of the V10 or V11. I’d just recommend trying to keep things as close to $250 as possible and expect to buy (or swap parts) every few years. Totally worth it for the convenience.


cujobob t1_ir8u93a wrote

Access has proven to lead to an increase in certain gun crimes. The idea that criminals are just going to do criminal things is basically saying.. let’s not have laws, locks on our doors, or prisons at all. We do criminalize stupid things way too heavily and need action to prevent crimes from ever occurring, but still… access is a problem.

In other countries, they have occasional stabbings, but at least then you have a chance (and the volume is lower so risk is lower).

The only reason gun bans are ever mentioned is because people want solutions to problems and they’re sick of inaction. The longer it goes on, the greater the action they’ll want. If it was a new problem, people would accept minor gun regulation reform. The NRA used to be a huge proponent of gun safety and responsibility, now look at it. The dollar signs blinded everyone.


cujobob t1_ir81e14 wrote

That’s easy to track, actually, but the people shouting not to touch the guns also don’t want to address other issues like lousy healthcare, long working hours, wage inequality, addiction, etc.

People who scream to take the guns just want action. At least taking the guns is doing something about the problem. If the other side were willing to support public welfare policies, maybe there wouldn’t be constant discussion about guns. Instead, they’re talking of repealing the ACA… again.