cyan_violet t1_j1wcy5z wrote
Reply to comment by WohsHows in Science fiction writers are actually inventors born before their tech is possible by [deleted]
This is because Da Vinci's intention (as far as we can tell) when drawing and diagramming those devices was to conceptualize an object in the context of reality, not fiction.
A sci-fi writer uses prose to describe, sometimes in technical detail, an object in a fictional universe, with an implicit understanding that it is not meant for fabrication, but for entertainment.
cyan_violet t1_izrhi8a wrote
Reply to comment by Alastor3 in [Image] Great future does not require a great past. by Lazy_Review_9742
Jaden Smith has left the chat.
cyan_violet t1_iwd98f1 wrote
Reply to comment by The76thTrombone in [IMAGE] "Finding Yourself" Is Really a Return to Self by carmanloganub
This is more motivating than the majority of inspirational quotes.
cyan_violet t1_irn4nzu wrote
Reply to comment by Faville611 in [Image] "Nothing is permanent. Don't stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is, It will change." by Butterflies_Books
Sometimes we have to actually make the change ourselves instead of waiting for life to present it to us.
cyan_violet t1_ja8wdft wrote
Reply to comment by Andreiy31 in Mr. Krabs’ shell is red, implying he was once caught and boiled alive but survived. by jsw9000
He produces highly prized secret formulas as well.