
cyborg_unicorn t1_iue5262 wrote

I remember in high school when I would hang out with the people I considered to be friends, and I would always end up at the back of the group while walking, or just outside the circle when stationary. I eventually got into the (probably bad) habit of not saying anything and leaving because no one ever gave a shit. It would have made a HUGE difference had someone waited for me.

And for the person suggesting you walk faster: I am a fast walker. I'm just also socially awkward and was very much not confident about myself back then.


cyborg_unicorn t1_iue4ahg wrote

I would love to think this is true about me, but I have a hard time reconciling how I think I was when I met a certain person. Like, I used to think I was invisible and insignificant, and while there are days I still feel that way, I know it's not true. I guess what I mean is, I see my life as boring and can't even fathom someone having me in their head.