
cylonlover t1_jdgkb37 wrote

I have tried doing that, it doesn't work for me because my to do list is not a plan for execution, i.e. I can't always set a time for stuff.

I did however start noting the estimated time for tasks on my list, because it invites to immediate planning, and exposes if something on my list is not a task but really a series of tasks or perhaps even a project really.

It also have the added benefit with giving perspective to those things not gotten done, because I can often honestly say where in the last three days did I ever really have two continous hours to do that? so I don't beat myself over the head with it.


cylonlover t1_j45camz wrote

It's funny how american appliances always have the controls on the top and back, while in Europe they're on the front. I wonder what the rest of the world have. I think it's pretty much only an american thing, but I have only ever been in Europe and Asia, so don't know really.

In Europe we'd often have the dryer on top of the washer to save floor space. That will require front panel controls.

Great looking set, though. May it last a generation more.