
dabiggman t1_jc3ec54 wrote

What everyone fails to realize as they are arguing is that - multiple Presidents have used the SS Fund as their own personal piggy bank for projects. I believe it was Nixon that first took the lid off this (don't quote me) and made it so the government could take from this for other projects. If we put the lid back on, problem solved.


dabiggman t1_j9upw1w wrote

My former employer was pushing return to office so hard it was ridiculous. Luckily, my former boss was based in Europe so he pushed back against "the idiot Americans" all the time and it was priceless to watch. Our CIO (a giant fucking snake) was adamant that all IT return to the office full-time.

Had a call with one of my former staff about how things were going. He said they have moved back to 4 on 1 off for office life. I asked about the C-suite and he said and I quote:

"They work 100% remote except when they need to visit the office."