
dakinekine t1_ja57omr wrote

Not sure how old you are or how much of the world you have experienced. There is a lot out there and most certainly a lot of people who think like you regarding “work”. I think if you looked, you could find people who share similar beliefs with you and who live an alternate lifestyle. You can’t say there’s nothing worthwhile here if you haven’t travelled and experienced other cultures and ways of life. I understand you might not be happy where you are and with what you are doing in life - wish you all the best and hope you find some happiness and satisfaction in your life. It’s out there if you are willing to look for it and work towards it.


dakinekine t1_ja54mcl wrote

This is kind of a shocking thought to me. I see a lot of beauty in the world and I think maybe you could too. I have zero desire to spend all my time in a virtual world. I would totally spend time in the spiritual world though if I could - ethereal planes of consciousness and such. But definitely not a machine controlled virtual reality!


dakinekine t1_j9nejg7 wrote

Someone on Reddit asked this question yesterday - how does a government replace the taxes from jobs that have been replaced by AI? I think Bernie’s solution makes sense. The government needs the tax income to fund UBI and anything else. The USA is 31 trillion in debt already so this might help.
But to be honest, I don’t think becoming fully automated with UBI is ever going to be an easy or quick transition. You are talking about massive societal changes which don’t happen easily.