
danasf t1_jecjjt7 wrote

I have B2B and B2C fintech experience (USA only, nothing international). The consumer side, there are gangs, the ones I knew were 'from' eastern europe and were physically located in specific areas of the USA. Aside from them, it was mostly one off stuff that we could eventually predict via better analysis of credit profile. Surprisingly, welcome calls, with well trained staff, were shockingly effective at stemming fraud, as was having a specially trained group of customer experience folks who specialized in detecting fraud.

On the B2B side (white label financing) there were significant fraud problems that were sometimes not detected until far, far too late. We relied on individual account manager's ability to train, and closely monitor, the partner companies. Interestingly, we would detect the fraud first from either word-of-mouth through the grapevine stuff gathered from our sales & management team via industry chatter or account manager relationships, or from various kinds of data analysis. Impact was maybe 1-3% of gross revenue, depending on industry and scale of operation. Really really depends on the sectors you are working with in B2B fintech, some are shadier than others. like... used car financing? good luck with that


danasf t1_j2awkz9 wrote

Yeah I'm really on the fence about this. I mean, obviously robots that do basic floor cleaning and stuff all right. Done deal but a general purpose robot that can clean intricate surfaces. Disinfect things, put tools into sterilization etc etc. I don't know if that is right around the corner or not. Aside from floors, do you think that we will have robots doing all the rest of janitors work in the next half decade? Anyway, That's why I said janitors in hospitals and in specific I don't think janitors in offices For example, going to have their jobs very much longer


danasf t1_j21h9l9 wrote

Similar thoughts as you, but I don't have the family to think about (for better or worse...). Following are some thoughts for where I am in America

  1. look for 'craft' type jobs in highly heterogenius environments, housing is classic. The vast differences between one house and the next requires jobs like carpenter, plumber, electrician, etc. to service and maintain the houses. Will suck more as you get older (a concern for me) but otherwise seems relatively safe

  2. it won't happen overnight, it'll take years to convert to AGI, get work in systems integration, change management, or other 'how to integrate AI into legacy businesses' roles (I'm probably going that direction).

  3. get into a business disrupting legacy businesses by being AI first. These will destroy businesses that try to integrate AI into them if those legacy businesses don't have some tight lock-ins for customers (long term contracts, unique proprietary data or processes, etc.)

  4. some service jobs will still be there. For example, bathroom attendant at a high end strip club. Great work if you can get it, tips can run several hundred $$$ per night, not likely to be replaced by a robot. Alternately, strippers as well... really anything strip club related should hold, at least the higher end clubs

  5. driving - we are not getting self-driving anytime soon so a 5 year career in transportation is probably safe enough. Trains, if you can get into the union and land a role, should be solid.

  6. medical - especially specialized on procedures that will not likely be done by robots in the next 5-10 years. But not clear to me yet how much smaller headcount hospitals in the future will have. They'll still need janitors, for sure.

  7. UNIONS are your friends (except when they're not, looking at you, police unions) I'd seriously consider joining a union shop. and

  8. Oppression. There's a reason why police departments are getting more militarized. Several reasons. One may be because they forsee large scale issues. Join the side that has Power, you'll probably not go hungry, and you likely will get some side benefits (not my path, but I can't say it's an invalid one. If I had a family, I might consider going Cop if I didn't have better options like 1, 2, or 3, or 6).


danasf t1_isbefqv wrote

How come the people who believe this obviously illogical on its face, completely non fact based rhetoric have so much money?

I mean most high paying jobs require basic logic, research, and math skills but if you have even two of those three then you would never believe anything that she says...

Is this because we don't have enough inheritance tax and therefore generational wealth is built up that supports a ton of people who did not or could not have earned the money they now have access to... or.... Seriously I don't understand