
dangerousamal t1_it4llfh wrote

You've kind of made my point though. You said "Wheels are ways humans conserve energy when transporting goods. How does nature transport goods? It doesn't." .. from your point of view, humans are something outside of nature.. something supernatural.. paranormal even. You seem to misunderstand the simple truth that we are a product of nature, and our inventions are also natural. We do not exist outside nature. There are also other tool using species like apes, birds, and even insects.. would you say these animals and their inventions are outside of nature also? Not to toss further rain on this parade, but actually wheels did evolve "natrually" as well - https://www.nature.com/articles/am200915


dangerousamal t1_it0zp1a wrote

This is such bullshit. There's so many ifs and maybes and coulds and might be's jn that article.. It is speculation not science. It is some person commenting on research that discovered some oddities and building an extrapolated story about how our brains are universal quantum computers when the reality is that quantum fluctuations affect all matter not just brains and there's nothing special about it. Someone just wanted to get there Ant-Man quantum realm jibblies out.