
daniellearmouth t1_ja8qcgc wrote

I use Apple Music. My plan's a bit more expensive, since my mother uses it (sometimes), but really, the price is fine for what it is, and it pays artists more than Spotify does anyway.

The UI/UX is a bit weird in places. There's no immediate signifier of whether a given album is 'Lossless', 'Hi-Res Lossless', 'Apple Digital Master', 'Dolby Atmos' or anything unless you actively search in those categories, or just go through albums individually to check. They could do to change that.

The other gripe I have is that on Android, I find that when it activates lossless (in whichever flavour is available), I sometimes have a very brief moment where the sound cuts out before coming back in. It's a bit weird, and I don't like that it does that every time, but I've gotten used to it as a quirk of the program.

Otherwise? I'm very happy with it. It has pretty much all the music I'm likely to listen to, downloading music to the device is simple and easy, and you can use your iTunes library on top of what Apple Music offers. I'm quite content with it.


daniellearmouth t1_ja8pquf wrote

Reply to comment by BoogKnight in Is Apple Music good? by resurgences

There are builds available on Windows right now that support Hi-Res Lossless. I currently use one on Windows 10 (even though the target platform is 11). It's surprisingly stable, all things considered, but I'm using it in conditions it's not really meant to be used (wrong OS version, for a start, and it being a really old build at this point).


daniellearmouth t1_j1m5dkj wrote

I don't have any Beyers, so I can't really make any claim with regards to them, but what I can say is it's possible that you're not used to them, and are probably just super used to how your Logitech headset sounds.

Gaming headsets are generally designed to be a bit boomier, so that sounds like gunfire, explosions, engine noises and the like are put greater emphasis on. They're great for playing games for that reason, because they emphasise what's going on on-screen at any one time. Whilst I primarily use Meze 99 Neos on my PC, even for playing games, it's clear this isn't really what they're designed to be dealing with.

I'm in a similar situation right now, though not quite as bad. Having been a user of KZ ZS10 IEMs for about eight months, the right ear decided to stop sealing properly, so I bought some new IEMs - in particular, the Mee Audio Pinnacle PX IEMs from Drop.

They sound hollow to me; even after being used for a few weeks, I'm still trying to overcome the sense that it sounds a bit empty. There is a lot of detail, and I am picking up sounds in music I didn't notice before in a way that's cool, but it doesn't quite have the oomph (for want of a better way to put it) that I got from the KZs. Really good IEMs, and I'll still gladly use them, but I'm not used to them. Given enough time, I'm sure I'll adjust.