
dannygunz t1_jdg9v6f wrote

It's weird I remember at all sorts of public events growing up (early 2000s) like parades or shows there would always be people handing out leaflets for dumb shit like white supremacists, naturalists, conspiracies, but no one ever paid any mind and would just throw it away... now if that sort of thing happened it would end up in the news.


dannygunz t1_j5wt0hi wrote

A lot of home inspectors just go through a checklist and aren't very thorough. I would recommend people not just feeling safe because they have an inspector. Do as much homework as possible before and scrutinize the hell out of the place with the inspector while walking through, or better yet bring your civil engineer/contractor/whatever friend or family to do it too.


dannygunz t1_itm19x8 wrote

I don't disagree I just mean that having the championship won in the city is explosive. There will be 60,000+ people at the stadium and surrounding area along with all of the people in the city spilling on the streets.

Even just anecdotally the 2008 phillies WS celebration felt way more chaotic than the Eagles super bowl win.