
dark_LUEshi t1_jecma6j wrote

Oh no don't worry I'm glad you took time to break it down, it all makes sense to me but you added a bit more to it. I can picture celestial objects closer to the core of their galaxies will move faster and mash into each other more often and influence orbits of each other and whatever was first a disc might turn more into an orb, especially in the middle, like you said with the galactic bulge.

Eh no worries, English isn't my native language, astrophysician was the closest I could get, I should have listened to the spellchecker lol. ^_^


dark_LUEshi t1_jeby9sg wrote

aren't most galaxies disc shaped ? Not very hard to imagine that since gravity is the force that rules over galaxies, solar systems and planets, then the distribution of stars around the massive object in the galaxy, the distribution of planets around a star, and the rings around a planet, is all from the same force, not that all objects are enligned in the same plane, but generally within one system(galaxy, solar system, or planet) well it all seems to stretch into a disc. Maybe if the massive thing at the middle wasn't rotating it wouldn't spread out into a disc, i'm no astrophysician.


dark_LUEshi t1_je94glu wrote

Man when I used to work a lot with my hands, chopping high power copper cable, I built a bit of muscle mass and I guess got a bit stronger in the wrists, playing dota 2 got so bad, both my hands would become fully numb after just a few minutes on the keyboard and would take a good 5 minutes to come back to normal. Thank god it came back to normal when I quit doing that work. Perhaps i'm dumb but I think it's something to do with your wrists and bones compressing nerves or something. was no bueno :(


dark_LUEshi t1_ja0d0pc wrote

damn, I should have read the whole thing, the study was properly made then, sometimes it's just bad science that can be explained otherwise but in this case... I don't feel bad if i'm wrong, I've often read that bees can use visual cues to identify flowers so no doubt there's some truth there. I shouldn't have assumed they used people.

I guess they see us as giant flowers and can quickly learn which "flowers" are good. they can probably share that info amongst the colony as well. Fascinating how simple mechanisms can evolve and become so resilient. Probably a lot to learn from social insects if we want to make better electronics down the path.


dark_LUEshi t1_ja07uhy wrote

no doubt but I don't get how bees can recognize people when I have issues lol. Would make much more sense that they rely on olfactive cues, like other social insects, ants. I bet giant apes are quite smelly.


dark_LUEshi t1_ja05z2c wrote

or perhaps bees can recognize peoples smell since theyre insects and probably communicate not only by dancing but also by smells. I'm not sure why they didn't go for that hypothesis first.


dark_LUEshi t1_iy2h9zg wrote

it was probably an idea at some point, and the knife on the machine was very sharp and made easily openable boxes, but I guess there was a complaint about the integrity of the box, or it having holes, that over time they let the machine(s) blade go dull so the thing is barely useable. Might also be due to a different cardboard composition than the original one, but I think it's mostly a dull blade on the machine, there would probably be complaints if they put in a new blade.