
davidmlewisjr t1_j1udlxy wrote

Good luck homing Oscar & his brother. We had a brother & sister set of tuxedo kitties, both were affectionate in their own ways. The male was named Pyramid, and his sister was Heart. Pyramid was one of the friendliest cats in our pride of seven, six adoptees and one collectors edition fancy purebred. Miss them all. Sorry I canā€™t come that far for a visit.

Happy holidays.


davidmlewisjr t1_j0e2kyy wrote



So Livermoreā€™s laser array ā€œNIFā€ dates from prior to 1982, when it was used as a filming site.

Their challenge has been repeatability and uniformity, the challenge is ongoing.

The state of art in Sci-Fi, as in the Rocinanteā€™s ICF Fusion reactor are still Sci-Fi, as of the end of this week, and likely also this year.


davidmlewisjr t1_j05fnie wrote

Is it possible that there are scientists that fail to understand the basic nature of timeā€¦ as in stream of consciousness sort of stuffā€¦

Cause and effectā€¦


davidmlewisjr t1_iy876zg wrote

Do you have Google Earth? You could find your lake, if your directional skills are up to it, capture an image from the screen, and post that, or capture the latitude and longitude, and post that.

When you run out of important stuff to do, you can even tour the world, all with free softwareā€¦ Or you could stand in front of Leninā€™s Tomb and stare across the square to ā€œGUMā€. šŸ‘‹


davidmlewisjr t1_iy74l5d wrote

So there was a Monastery outside Moscow, before Russia as we know it was an entity, and something like a thousand years ago, the monks in the Monastery made wine and grew grapes, and kept records, while they copied holy books and did other religious stuff.

So are you saying you have a pineapple growing on the banks of a river in northern Russiaā€¦ todayā€¦ or did the frost kill it two months ago?

St. Petersburg?