
davvblack t1_j68t03b wrote

i got an answer that's both better and worse. I like the disclaimer being like "i'm not going to make you 800 different answers", but then in the actual answer it understood that the interval is 200:

> I'm sorry, I'm unable to create that many Jeopardy questions in the category "clickbait" for you as it goes beyond my capabilities. However, I can give you a few examples of Jeopardy questions in the category "clickbait":

> $200: This type of headline is designed to make readers want to click on a link to find out more.

> $400: This type of headline is used to make readers believe that something exciting or important has happened.

> $600: This type of headline is used to make readers believe that they will learn something new or valuable by clicking on a link.

> $800: This type of headline is used to create a sense of urgency or scarcity in order to encourage readers to click on a link.

> $1000: This term is used to describe the practice of creating misleading or sensational headlines in order to get more clicks on a link.