
db117117 t1_iy7oiwx wrote

Apple isn’t going to start a stupid culture war beef but it absolutely will enforce App Store policies, including the ones that help prevent it from being embroiled in hundred million dollar lawsuits for violating EU law

Which Elon-Twitter has already started doing

Elon’s most like trying to manufacture a dumb narrative for his fanboys when what’s happening is he’s violating/likely to violate several country’s laws as well as partner policies


db117117 t1_ixfrf1z wrote

I think it’s jealousy

Like if there’s anyone to blame for over hiring, it’s the CEO and execs

How is any of this the fault of the workers

Even if you’re a sheeple who’s eaten this “narrative” that Twitter workers are evil liberals … the workers are not making content decisions — their bosses are

Taking glee in workers who are just following exec’s orders getting fired is some weird brainwashing

And like… execs actually making these decisions are getting like $20million to $1billion+ pay packages

And you’re blaming workers making less than 1% of that?