
dbratell t1_iu4n5rz wrote

Calm down man.

You are screaming about things nobody, not even Ukraine, dispute. There are movies and photos of civilian cars with civilians of all ages and sexes crossing the rivier. Why do you think Ukraine call them forced deportions if they are not happening? There is no reason for Russia to say they've stopped if they haven't since that makes their military more vulnerable when crossing the river.

And everybody expects there to be some kind of battle for Kherson, whether it will be a slow siege or an attempt to cut it off from the rest of the Russian forces or a direct assault.


dbratell t1_iu4lr98 wrote

You never even opened the article did you?

It starts

> Russian officials say they have completed an operation to move civilians out of the southern city of Kherson ahead of an expected battle with Ukrainian forces. > > At least 70,000 civilians are said to have crossed the Dnipro river, in what Ukraine has called forced deportations.

And then it goes on explaining the circumstances and that there are approximately 150k civilians left there.

If you wanted to bash the BBC you choose the wrong article.


dbratell t1_itkqfqu wrote

> And it was only the recent barrage that forced Germany to send the Iris-T,

That is factually false. The reason they could be sent as quickly was that the transfer had been planned for months and after training and preparations is was about time to deliver the first system.

One theory is that Russia started the terror campaign to get ahead of the upgrading of Ukraine's air defences that was in progress.