
dc_dobbz t1_j5ocws8 wrote

DC zoning allows new row houses in most districts by-right, but you are correct that the lack of open land is a problem. The other issue is that huge swaths of our existing row house stock is under historic district restrictions, which makes demo and rebuild prohibitively expensive if not impossible.


dc_dobbz t1_j1za3k7 wrote

I think you’re underestimating how much people associate RI government with corruption. At the moment, the state is not much worse than most states (and considerable better than some) but even within my own lifetime that wasn’t the case. RI was one of the biggest pay-to-play states in the whole country at least through the 90’s. “Plunderdome” helped root out a lot of it but once trust is lost on that level it takes a very, very long time to regain.