
dclxvi616 t1_j206m0s wrote


An official IRS transcript of your return would probably go a long way if not be sufficient. If you didn't file a return (presumably because you weren't required to) this process results in an official verification of non-filing, which is essentially telling people you didn't have any reportable income.


dclxvi616 t1_j1rdm3s wrote

>it's against someone nearly 60 years of age and older.

Again, you're getting this definition incorrect. Someone who is 80 years old right now is not a boomer.

>If the primary reason you are calling them a "boomer" is because of their age group, then (in the way it was used) it is, in fact, age discrimination.

Sure, it's age discrimination. It's generational discrimination. It's not a blanket discrimination against the elderly though. I said it's different, not better.


dclxvi616 t1_j0v5175 wrote

Teletype is old tech. Chat bots are old tech (though still improving). Mechanically moving keyboards that registers its own typing as a human user is old tech (word processors). This is just an artistic and nostalgic amalgamation of blending old tech with modern innovations. I was chatting with Eliza on a Macintosh LC in 1986. The only differences are that the keys don’t physically move when Eliza produces output and the chatbot is much more refined and versatile.


dclxvi616 t1_ixy8uz4 wrote

>It's handy to know if a light is about to change

That's the purpose of the yellow light, after all.

>as opposed to getting to it and it switches to yellow with out knowing causes all them other cars to slide off the road. Happens way more than it should.

Oh, okay, we clearly live on different planets at the least, if not different galaxies. Good luck!


dclxvi616 t1_iruiqub wrote

> news coverage is already known to be classified as entertainment

I feel like your understanding of how things work in this country is sourced from memes like FOX News changing their accreditation to Entertainment so they are not legally obligated to provide truthful information.

In reality, there's no regulatory body that 'classifies' or 'accredits' anything of the sort in any capacity. I'd recommend reading the link provided above for more information.

We counter deceitful speech in this country with counter-speech of our own, as you appear to be attempting to do. You could try to report it to journalists or news organizations to cover the deception. There is no authority to "report" this to. The government isn't going to be able to censor them or restrict their free speech. At best, if anyone is being defamed then the defamed party could seek civil action if they like (which will be a tough bar to clear, as they're not only public figures, but political public figures).