
dddDonnie t1_jdv8of1 wrote

Just a hypothetical, but I remember the film when it was first released on the vhs. A few years later the infamous Hollywood shootout occurred, a couple years after that, the movie Heat w/DeNiro, Pacino and Kilmer was released. Not sure how much the first two influenced the last. But, I think if Tarantino had had the budget, Reservoir Dogs probably would’ve been longer than Heat in run time if the heist had been filmed. And in agreement with another commenter, focusing a decent portion of budget towards the audio quality, and creating the character of K-Billy with Steven Wright as the DJ was a great choice. It gives the movie greater depth, loosely ties the scenes together and (prior to the internet) every city had it’s DJs that everyone that lived there were familiar with, making the film more believable.


dddDonnie t1_jdv52yh wrote

The bible is essentially a collection of stories/books, compiled illustrating the essence of the human condition. The gag could be pointing out the many interpretations/edits and omissions made over the course of time to suit the needs of those in power. Or it could just be that after inhaling the smoke from that burning bush that Moses got a little loopy…