
deadhead420710 t1_j9rqedx wrote

Reply to comment by ThatGuy0405 in Living in Longview WA by [deleted]

Yeah. I mean it seems anywhere you go you’re gonna have your downsides. Bad neighborhoods in every town. If you can afford to stay out of the ghetto this town is pretty nice. Sea lions are definitely a sad situation. Hope they legalize hunting them soon


deadhead420710 t1_j9rmr8p wrote

Moved here from cali. I’ve traveled around 46 states. I can definitely say it’s my favorite place to be. Homeless are hardly here and get cleaned up fast. Small town feel (same faces at cash registers). They have an awesome boat ramp/park called willow grove where you can see sea lions (I think that’s what they are) and other wildlife not to mention huge ships passing by. You get all 4 seasons, spring being amazing here with lots of colors. Close to mt st Helen’s