
defiant_turtle1 t1_iqnygr0 wrote

Actually no as far as I know. One person I've never been to her house, but she doesn't seem like she would. She did previously have an educational program about all the bugs and reptiles she has so maybe, but I doubt it.

Another breeds and sells them and will bring them out to show people along with other pet insects, but usually people schedule with her in advance to see them.

The third person is my mom who has been traumatized by people doing what you've described but with snakes, so she would never pressure anyone to hold them if they didn't want to. She does usually ask, though. Usually the answer is no and then they focus on the dogs (or other pets, but usually the dogs) she has instead.

I know that an overwhelmingly majority of people in my life are quite odd to say the least, so I have no idea if this matches typical behavior among hissing cockroach owners is in this area.


defiant_turtle1 t1_iqntjiv wrote

I don't know, a bunch of kids in my class loved it when I brought in chocolate covered crickets for my 5th grade elementary school party. There were a few kids who were grossed out, but one kid ate all the unwanted ones. This was back in 2010, but I'm sure if it were marketed to kids there could be a nice profit (of course there are ethical concerns about marketing to kids, but don't need to get into that here).