
delta4956 t1_izpc5rs wrote

Not at all, it was written for education not correction you were interested so I shared. Language isnt quite the same here as America for example, it's not going to start riots, and I'm sure there's plenty of indigenous Australians who wouldn't think twice to hear it.


delta4956 t1_izpb1a8 wrote

I asked for you:
"white friendly version of a kaurna'war word, but "clan" is local fellas other kaurna mob or nearby peoples like ngarrindjeri mob but that's more honorary. Usually call em mob one of us but not of us fellas."

Few messages later, he said it's also PC term as they werent tribes or sovereign nations so clan is what is official. Paraphrasing this one to clean it up though


delta4956 t1_iznfe0f wrote

Sure, I'm not indigenous but have grown up with many kaurna friends and have ways felt a kinship The preferred term is indigenous or aboriginal - native was sometimes a slur and still holds generational trauma for some. There is a relationship with the land that really doesn't involve wanting to build or on sell or divide up to ownership. Custodian is a significant term, the land is for everyone and the elders will choose what's best for the clan. Not all subscribe to this thinking, but custodianship is (normally? Idk particulars here, so this is an assumption ) placed with responsibility on the elders to guide use of, so very unlikely and I don't actually think there's any instances of them selling or developing the land. The significance here is that a title was granted over a symbolic statement, I think. I will no doubt get corrected on legalities, my knowledge here is very "my friend told me this" and drinking buddies aren't the most reliable sources even if they're mob