
dented42ford t1_je96o5a wrote

I'll try for order, but will fail (and I'm skipping duplicates - I owned multiple GB, DS, GBA, Switch, and PSP):

  1. NES
  2. Game Boy
  3. Game Gear
  4. Genesis
  5. Sega CD
  6. 32X
  7. SNES
  8. Saturn
  9. Jaguar
  10. Playstation
  11. Nintendo 64
  12. Game Boy Color
  13. Dreamcast
  14. Playstation 2
  15. Game Boy Advance
  16. Game Cube
  17. DS
  18. PSP
  19. Playstation 3
  20. Xbox 360
  21. Wii
  22. 3DS
  23. Vita
  24. Switch
  25. RG350M
  26. Playstation 4 Pro
  27. PSVR
  28. Wii U
  29. Playstation 5
  30. Xbox Series X
  31. Steam Deck
  32. PSVR2

So, basically everything major except two generations of Xbox. I'm sure I missed some, especially the last few years - I've bought a few other "retro devices", but I really only used the RG350 and Steam Deck, and those are arguable as "consoles".


dented42ford t1_j3lhyyt wrote

Make sure you are plugged into an HDMI jack that supports 4k, and that you have all the settings appropriate for each console - VRR, 120, Dolby Vision, etc. Not all HDMI inputs on TVs will support all input types, and a mismatch would do what you are describing. Also make sure your cable actually supports 4k - I've had some "4k" cables do some wonky things to signal.

I have both a XBSX and a PS5 plugged into my Sony 4k OLED, and they look equivalent. Any differences in quality are subjective. I will say the XBSX feels "snappier" in the menus, though the PS5 has a better interface IMHO (though both are a bit info-barf-y compared to the PS3 era).


dented42ford t1_izx11sf wrote

Do you have a 4k TV/monitor? Then get the X, full stop.

Do you plan on getting one? X.

Can you afford the extra $200? X.

Will you ever buy disks? X.

Interested in playing old Xbox/360 games? X (due to disks).

Basically, get the X unless you specifically know you won't use the features.


dented42ford t1_ixraje5 wrote

That's fair, other than the expensive point - they are on the surface cheaper than any of the other "consoles", at least for titles at launch and hardware.

No one says you have to like their games! It is another thing to, as the guy I responded to did, say that the system is "shite" because it doesn't fit your subjective and arbitrary definition of good. It didn't work for you. That is fine, even good, and good on you for realizing. You do you!

PC just murders all of them on software price point, which is why I love my Steam Deck for indie stuff and the things it runs well. I tend to play my XBSX a lot more than my PS5, as well, since I developed something of a problem with Forza Horizon 5...


dented42ford t1_ixr4laa wrote

Looking at sales figures, I'd say it is more likely it sold well because it had software people wanted at a lower price point than the rest of the industry. Also, there is some truth to the "kids" thing - which has long worked for Nintendo, and I don't know why that makes "seereeus gaymerz" so personally affronted by its success.

Mario Kart 8 alone has sold almost as much as the Xbox One! The majority of people buying it don't care about specs or graphics nearly as much as games they want to play.

I mean, the PS5 hasn't really had an exclusive killer app yet, 3 years into its life. The XBSX doesn't have exclusives at all due to Microsoft's new strategy. Gaming PC's are not exactly mass-market, though I suspect Valve's gambit may pay off over the mid-term if they can sell the concept to the non-enthusiast.

Even as an enthusiast, I probably play my Switch as much as my other consoles combined and about equal to my "PC's" (including the deck). It has games I want to play, and the portability is handy with a toddler in the house and living in a place where I take trains everywhere (Europe).


dented42ford t1_ixqb05o wrote

For one thing, my Switch is metal and glass...

For another, I have no horse in this race, owning all the current gen consoles, a Steam Deck, and a PC (and a Mac for work). And all of the previous gens back to the NES, as well, with a few exceptions (dunno where my Jaguar went, and never got an Xbox One). I just like games, I don't make my like of particular kinds a part of my identity.

I suspect I also have at least 10 years on you, if not more. The "targeted towards children and weebs" in particular doesn't come off as, shall we say, mature. Son.

The entire reason for my reply was to point out your logical inconsistency, no more, no less. That is not a defense of said console.


dented42ford t1_ixq1zeg wrote

I mean, how can you consider what might become the best selling console family of all time "niche"? It just doesn't make much sense.

That isn't to say your distaste for the software is wrong in any way - you do you - but to call it "only interesting to a small audience" (the definition of NICHE) just goes against common sense.


dented42ford t1_ixnxg99 wrote

Depends on the game, but generally yes, they are incorporated.

That seems to be changing a bit in the last couple of years, though, with cross-platform stuff making it more complicated. Removing them is its own complication, though, so it is slow-moving change at best.


dented42ford t1_it21pq5 wrote

I feel like sane people just ignore those who care about 4k120 over actual quality of games. I say this as someone with multiple 4k120 setups, for PS5, XBSX, and PC.

Nintendo first-party stuff by and large is designed with the hardware limitations in mind, and tends to look great even on my 4k OLEDs (with some exceptions - Astral Chain, I'm looking at you, and Pokemon). Anyone who has a problem with that has other issues to deal with.