
dern_the_hermit t1_j5vj9wu wrote

It's a sign that our staid and slow system of building nuclear plants - which has been a big part of rising costs - is finally changing to embrace reality.

Nuclear plants can be built in a few years. It's just we're not very good at it, and this is the sort of thing that can change that.


dern_the_hermit t1_j2fa17w wrote

I think it would be trivial in comparison to the whole project. I mean, it's no secret that just about every aspect of a megastructure is definitionally huge.


dern_the_hermit t1_j2f0bys wrote

Unless the dust is disturbed by human or machine activity it'll just stay where it currently is. And if it is disturbed its trajectory tends to follow a simple up-and-down arc. It doesn't float in the air like it does here on Earth, for the very obvious reason.


dern_the_hermit t1_j2ezy61 wrote

Moon dust won't linger off the ground like it would in an atmosphere. You kick dust up and it falls right back down.

Which isn't to suggest it's not a concern, just that there's not going to be big billowing clouds that linger for any appreciable amount of time.


dern_the_hermit t1_j2ezk8z wrote

Yeah, even Chernobyl needed them to deliberately shut off safety equipment and run the reactor in an atypical experimental manner before experiencing a catastrophe.


dern_the_hermit t1_j25avll wrote

> but these are the kinds of material conditions which give rise to political grievance(s)

They're also conditions that can be CAUSED by political grievances, mind. Poor health care systems can lead to overprescribing of painkillers and poor support during recovery, for instance.

It's not like society handed these guys a few beers and them bam they want to overthrow the government.


dern_the_hermit t1_j254b45 wrote

Renewables, actually, and solar in particular. A large amount of solar installation will create an interesting paradigm: If designed around being sufficient during the annual minimum (ie- winter), seasonal variation will net a huge excess of generation in the summer. Tap some of that excess to break down harmful substances.


dern_the_hermit t1_j233s54 wrote

> This guy can't even articulate what they are protesting

It's the ethic of total retaliation:

> "Their lack of education has not only rendered them completely useless in a highly technical economy, but it has also given them the leisure to cultivate a powerful resentment… and to translate it into a destructive cult which the mass media insists on portraying as a sort of isolated oddity” destined for extinction.

> Studs Terkel, after reading that passage out loud in a 1967 interview with Thompson, calls it “the key” to the entire book. “Here we have technology, we have the computer, we have labor-saving devices,” he says to Thompson, but we also “have the need for more and more college education for almost any kind of job, and we have this tremendous mass of young who find themselves obsolete.” But Thompson replies that the real consequences have only started to manifest: “The people who are being left out and put behind won’t be obvious for years. Christ only knows what’ll happen in, say, 1985 — a million Hell’s Angels. They won’t be wearing the colors; they’ll be people who are just looking for vengeance because they’ve been left behind.”


dern_the_hermit t1_j22zlmo wrote

> What a great way to gradually get rid of nuclear waste.

Well, for its own waste, sure, since it's already out of Earth's gravity well. For current terrestrial stuff I say we just blast it with lasers until it's whittled down to less-harmful elements. Bonus: We can do this with other toxic substances too.