
destinationlalaland t1_jaerydb wrote

If yer regular fluid is already frozen, it's likely frozen in the lines to your sprayers. Adding methyl hydrate to the reservoir is fine if ya want to, but you are likely up shit creek until you park in a warm garage or the temp rises enough to thaw the line to the sprayers.

Id prefer just adding a winterblend if you can find it vs using methyl hydrate myself.


destinationlalaland t1_j1c9cqe wrote

People enter various types of IDLH (immediate danger to life and health) environments every day. They range from toxic gasses to low oxygen and everywhere in between. If none of the hazards are absorbed through the skin, game on. Limit is your air supply and shift change. Only thing stopping a person from porky-pigging it most of the time is company specific policy and your local indecent exposure ordinances.


destinationlalaland t1_izci4up wrote

Show me on the doll where the bad window touched you.

I appreciate a subtle and artistic use of prose, but this caption is borderline nonsensical.

Personification would be bearable, but no interaction with the window is required to enjoy the view. Did the window call you names?


destinationlalaland t1_ixtehom wrote

Fuck those prices. You want me to play Russian roulette with my fiction? Sure, I’m a gambling man. But I expect a decent discount.

Edit: … on second look count me right out. by category looks to be all romance and young adult type stuff. Russian roulette fails to be fun when all the chambers are loaded.


destinationlalaland t1_ischmf2 wrote

Have we got problems in society and as a nation? Absolutely. Loads of them. But when a plurality of society abandons the rule of law to get ahead, you start on the road to being a failed state.

Your “legitimate use case” will work equally as well for money laundering and bad actors.


destinationlalaland t1_iscdu31 wrote

That doesn’t really pass a sniff test to me. Seems like something that you should have got advice on from your accountant, if you want to avoid personal income taxes, there’s a consequence. Your scenario reads to me as “I want to have my cake and eat it.” These systems are in place for a reason, and fraud is fraud.

If you have sufficient wealth - and a bank won’t take you, you may need to find an alternative lender - not commit fraud.