
destroy_republicans t1_jck7te8 wrote

It’s really more because 50% of the country was raised to gobble up any form of oligarch-benefactors through their incessant idolization and submission to broken capitalism

Funniest part is that they consider it a mark of freedom 😂 as they hobble away with chronic injuries from their low end labor jobs while their frat bro buddies try to milk the finance system right off their backs. A subset of true modern day idiots containing more subsets of different idiots within! The beauty of it all….

Let’s hear it for the mindless clueless bootstrapper demographic, the most easily deluded bunch of morons you could ever ask to share a country with! Bravo morons. Bravo. Eat that oligarch asshole for breakfast and turn around to tell us how freedomy you really are ;)

Downvote away South Shore Central Boonies MA from your little cesspools. Seethe :)