
destuctir t1_j1z6c1j wrote

Oman is critical to western interests and as such they have naval bases that directly support the patrolling of the Persian gulf, this huge number is in part western funds to keep them strong and independent as a safe foothold in the area


destuctir t1_ixd1tg1 wrote

The ice sheets of the arctic advance and retreat during the year, I imagine the ducks were trapped in ice frequently before thawing and continuing east over Canada and Greenland.

Edit: duh asked about the northwest passage, ducks were never found in the area which suggested they avoided the tight corridors somehow.


destuctir t1_iueqq4q wrote

If I recall, the Tsar was supposed to be 100MT originally but the scientists intentionally fabricated the calculations to use less material and make it 50MT, the reason being they did math and suspected a 100MT bomb detonated at the intended testing site would ignite the ozone layer and they feared it burning an enormous hole