
diego7319 t1_j74emtn wrote

  1. Castillo is corrupt, the fiscal of the nation has more than 4 cases against him, plus a lot more against people he was surrounded by.
  2. To be able to close the congress, he needed some requirements. He didn't have it, so it was unconstitutional and of course, ILEGAL. He is capture because of it. 3)when you vote for a president, you vote for him and 2 other vicepresidents. So when someone voted for him, it was also voting for the current president who was his vicepresident.
  3. Leftist want to change the current constitution, when you ask them what they want to change. They don't know.
  4. most of the protests in Lima are made by people who came from other cities. 6)The protests are supported by Evo morales, he was giving speeches in some of the cities where the hardest protests were happening. 7)People from Bolivia has been detained in the protests.
  5. The police is not acting fair in the protests, some people have been killed by bullets and there has been a lot of abuses.
  6. Protests are for changing the constitution and new elections. 8)The congress wants to stay until the end of the normal cycle(almost 3 more years)