
dineNshine t1_j6gikpr wrote

Children and pets are not the same as adults. Guns are also different from language models and image generators. A gun is a weapon, but a language model isn't.

Adding certain protections might be necessary for objects that can otherwise cause bodily harm to the user (e.g. gun safeties), but if you think that people must be prevented from accessing information because they are too stupid to properly evaluate it, then you might as well abolish democracy.

I am not doubting that people can evaluate information incorrectly. The issue is that nobody can do it in an unbiased way. The people doing the censorship don't know all that much better and often don't have the right intentions, as is often demonstrated.

It has been shown that ChatGPT has strong political biases as a result of the tampering applied to make it "safe". I find this concerning.


dineNshine t1_j5xeqvi wrote

Embedding watermarks into images directly is one thing. OP suggested changing model parameters such that the model produces watermarked images, which is different. Editing model parameters in a functionally meaningful way would be hard without affecting performance. It seems like you are referring to a postprocessing approach, which is along the lines of what I recommended in general for curating model outputs. In this instance, this kind of solution wouldn't perform the function OP intended, which is preventing users from generating images without the watermark (since postprocessing is not an integral part of the model and is easy to remove from the generation process).

It is conceivable that the parameters could be edited in an otherwise non-disruptive way, although unlikely imo. I don't like this kind of approach in general though. The community seems to channel a lot of energy into making these models worse to "protect people from themselves". I despise this kind of intellectual condescension.


dineNshine t1_j5vm4r5 wrote

By definition. If you force the model to embed a watermark, you can only generate watermarked content. Since OP proposed to embed it into model parameters, it would also likely degrade performance.

Limiting the end user this way is bad, for reasons I have stated above. The right approach is to train a model that fits the data well, and then condition it using the input prompt. Putting arbitrary limits on the model itself to prevent misuse is misguided at best, making sure that only people in power will be able to utilize the technology to its fullest. This would also give people a false sense of security, since they might think that content generated with a model lacking a watermark is "genuine".

If AI advances to a point where the content it generates is indistinguishable from human-generated content and fake recordings become a problem, the only sensible thing we can really do is using signatures. This is a simple method that works perfectly well. For any piece of virtual content, you can quickly check if it came from an entity known to you by checking against their public key.


dineNshine t1_j5esx4f wrote

Why would you want to do this? We can fake text without GPT, and we also have the means to prove authenticity by digital signatures. By limiting the technology artificially, you will end up limiting the end user, while organizations with more resources will still be able to circumvent these limitations by training their own models.

To avoid limiting usability, desired limitations should be applied on top of the base model by the end user, not to the base model itself.

The sole consequence of attempts like which OP suggests is further centralization of the technology, which is the worst imaginable result.