
dirtymatt t1_jddgset wrote

Let's just assume I'm right and that I see 2 fare jumpers per day. That's 10 a week, or about 520 per year. That's more than a sixth of the quoted number that one person is witnessing at one station in a small window of time. Admittedly, I'm primarily travelling during rush hour when there are more people travelling, and probably more fare jumps are happening during that time, but I just don't see any possible way the quoted number is close to accurate. It wouldn't shock me at all if the real number was 100x higher.


dirtymatt t1_ixuh51z wrote

We have bins with lids. The workers use them as frisbees, or straight up refuse to collect when people use the lids. I stopped using the lid because I got tired of chasing it. My bin is falling apart because the workers just throw it in the street and it’s been hit by cars more than once.


dirtymatt t1_iu0mmb0 wrote

Should mail-in ballots of people who die between mailing the ballot and Election Day count? Your parents have terrible choice in politicians, but as long as they’re only voting in one election, it’s 100% ethical. Every year there are going to be thousands of weird situations like this, in the end, they amount to rounding errors. Now if Fetterman loses by one vote, you are hereby forbidden to ever speak to them again.