
disisdashiz t1_j0t3mn2 wrote

I swear I've heard that same thing said before. That they are impossible to explode. Three separate times from three separate countries. All of whom said the same thing in the last 100 years. Thankfully there is a 33% chance that the area isn't contaminated for 10,000 years.

Not exploding is only true when humans don't fuck shit up. No one is lazy. No one is greedy or corrupt. I've read a couple other stories of shit getting close to blowing up or causing a leak. I honestly wonder how many have fucked up and nobody was told. Then you've got the waste. Which, can you honestly tell me? You trust every government with a plant to dispose of properly for the next 10,000 years. I certainly don't. Fuck NK has hydro ones. I bet they dispose of it by feeding it to their cave prisoners.


disisdashiz t1_j0t2yns wrote

When it runs right yes. I wish it'd actually work. It sounds wonderful. Especially with the new processes that pretty much use every speck of fuel. But so far it'd fucked up twice. And been close many times. And in my country. Most are well past their due date for reconstruction. Right now. There are much better ways. Personally I like a intercontinental hyperloop that has those new super efficient massive wires running with it with solar, wind and hydro power all along it. Combine it with solar water purifiers and pumps on the oceans to create new water batteries along routes needed. Would be able to provide clean fresh water for the inside of the continent while the central part of the continent provides all the power. Could cut our military budget and pay for it within a few decades in time for fusion to supplement the rest.

Maybe fission as an interim instead of more coal or gas burners. But nothing more than that. Radiation doesn't go away. It's to risky no matter what people say. It'd fucked up twice. That's a pattern.


disisdashiz t1_j0s3ga6 wrote

If the usa just stopped giving away tons of subsidy money to Fossil fuels and didn't tax them I know my cou try would go renewable within a decade. It would be soo quick and easy and wouldn't cost taxpayers anymore taxes.


disisdashiz t1_j0s37f3 wrote

We got fusion. Let's go for that. And nuclear is a high risk high reward system. "They won't fail without human error" And they're run by humans so they're gonna fail. A coal plant fails and the local is smelly and burned up but everyone not near the blast is pretty much fine.

A nuclear plant explodes and that entire area around it is dead for the rest of humanities days. It's not worth the risk.


disisdashiz t1_j0s2x8d wrote

It's better to fear monger. People are stupid and lazy. If we say the world's gonna burn. Which it will. People will do something about it. If we say it's all fine and dandy assholes will feel they're entitled.to pollute without care again.


disisdashiz t1_j0s27th wrote

It's more how it's run. So local communist party leaders bid for large projects to a government that needs to spend money or face the massive amount of debt piling up. They get these. Which pushes them higher up in the politics. Also gets them and all their friends a bunch of bribe money. It was also to get all the farmers and country folk to leave the countryside. Which happened. But not as much as they hoped.


disisdashiz t1_j0s1vcf wrote

Pff. I got solar. My bills about the same as it was before and I got 6k from uncle Sam. And im.pretty sure the power company will be cutting me a check. It's a 30% tax credit right now. And it'll only become more and more cheaper in co.parison to renting you're electricity from a private monopoly.


disisdashiz t1_j0s1p4x wrote

Usa is usually the nu.ber one carbon producer I see. Though thats usually from stuff made in China. So it's weird. Cause they count the location of end stage of production