
dmcd0415 t1_je0fb96 wrote

It's whataboutism because your entire premise is based on you, for whatever reason, thinking I'm 100% supportive of Gainey and thinking his administration has no fuck ups, which is completely false. I would also love to take money away from police but we all know that's not going to happen so if we can make upmc some it's a win. You're speaking of this negatively because you would feel better if they did something else? Politics is a bus not a cab, man.


dmcd0415 t1_je05ntb wrote

Seems like a roundabout way of saying, "what about OnePGH" or "what about not defunding the police," or whataboutism. If you want me to point out he failed in those areas I'll gladly do so, and if you want me to vote for a more progressive candidate I'll gladly do so, but I'll also gladly say "fuck you upmc, pay your shit."

You have also left questions I've asked elsewhere unanswered to spout out this whataboutism


dmcd0415 t1_jdzydya wrote

The IRS would be coming at me or you for that rounding error. Why should corporations be held to a lower standard and why are you arguing to keep said standard as low as possible? It just makes no sense at all. What are you afraid of happening? What are the possible downsides for the city taking that $36 million from upmc?


dmcd0415 t1_jdzvvr2 wrote

What cities are the most attractive places to large employers in the United States and what are those cities' quality of life for the people who live in them? Asking because I'm a person not a large employer so that's what I care about.


dmcd0415 t1_j648c3o wrote

You can be outraged by police behavior and not have to watch every single new video of them killing someone in cold blood. Watching to see just exactly how bad this one was is in fact morbid curiosity. Like I said, I can't possibly think any less of police without watching but now one who doesn't watch it is part of the problem because they're ignoring it and indifferent to police violence? This is some serious self righteousness here


dmcd0415 t1_j5l9r7o wrote

In my much younger days shortly after I moved to Pittsburgh and hearing many stories of the mythical Tennyson I was surprised to see it right there on the side of the road on 88 in all its glory. Having expected it to be at least a stones throw off the beaten path I asked my strip club attending friend if that was in fact The Tennyson and his response to me was, "don't go there, dude."


dmcd0415 t1_itg93uy wrote

I went to Parris Island, SC once where they have marine corps boot camp. One of the funniest things I saw was watching people practicing to be drill instructors walking around and yelling at the air for not standing up straight