
dmcginvt t1_iyl6fe0 wrote

Reply to comment by c_l_who in I miss Vermont so much by immersedinideas

cant agree more. But i have to say this , where I live everyone owns their parents place and land. I dont see that going way unless the kids are idiots. The people complaining their kids cant live here is nonsense, they can and do. There's no shortage of land owned by 5 generations of peeps who own the fuck out of their land and lots of it. On.y people bitching are the people that cant buy it from them


dmcginvt OP t1_itxtphe wrote

I’m just guessing it went into the ocean sadly, according to all the reports, I was hoping someone in Maine would say holy shit meteorite hit my house. It’s funny I just saw a post on historyporn of some girl who had one hit her newly purchased 10 yr old car and some dude paid her a ton more just have that car


dmcginvt OP t1_itxta4t wrote

I def saw blue I wonder if dude that saw green has color blindness and doesn’t know it because only my perspective is right /s.