
doc_1eye t1_j6jr2on wrote

I think it's interesting that the US has a roughly 20% false conviction rate, but only 15% of those tested had a score lower than 10. That means that the entirety of those with low scores could be innocent.


doc_1eye t1_j2ejvvg wrote

  1. James Cameron has range. Terminator, Aliens and Abyss are action/thrillers, Terminator 2 is a straight up action popcorn flick, True Lies is an action comedy, Titanic is a drama, and Avatar is an epic. Michael Bay just makes the same film over and over again.

  2. James Cameron is constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be done. Abyss and Terminator 2 did things with CGI that had never been done before. Avatar did the same with 3D. Michael Bay has never done anything innovative whatsoever.