
doglywolf t1_j64pdf4 wrote

You can't . The city should not be Liable unless she was in the act of preforming city duties.

If it was a city owned/ provided vehicle that might be some gray area.


However here is where the BS comes in. If her supervisors like her , they can claim she was on her way to work in city vehicle and in the act of preforming her job to put her under that umbrella of protection that the average city worker would not get.

They can straight out lie and say she was on the way to an important meeting with someone or such things to help protect her form civil liability at the cost of the tax payer.

Which should absolutely not be done in this case .

She got an absolutely slap on the wrist . I can't wait for all the Reddit post of picture of her around town driving now that her license is suspended and nothing being done about that lol .


doglywolf t1_j64lubi wrote

If she would of stopped , she could of been the one suing him.

The fleeing the scene puts an interesting legal spin on it.

There is a thing called something like reasonable diligence or something along those lines . That if there is an accident that is someone else fault it could still be your fault if you can't prove you didn't have a best effort to avoid it.

She never even braked....out of this entire thing that the part the shocks me...not even so much as a break tap till she is almost at the corner of the end of the block before you see break lights ...

That shows depraved indifference or an inebriated state which would make her liable .That whats going to make this an interesting shit show.

Some law firm probably doing it probably for like 60-70% of the take . Probably came to this guy and were like hey we can probably get you a few hundred thousand for this and wont charge you shit just sign this letting us sue for you.

If i were him and someone came to me and said hey we might be able to get a few hundred K from this clearly horrible person at no cost to you win or lose. Id be like fuck ya go for it.


doglywolf t1_j4qemln wrote

We all bee there desperate at 2am after driving around for 30 minutes just wanting to go home. But for god sake you have to move the car before the world starts when you do this.

And this one is egregiously bad! Like i get handing into a bit in desperation but this screams asshole - especially if they dont out at like 6am to move it.


doglywolf t1_j25tkro wrote

ITs criminal but its par for the course with these things. Some brother in law /cousin / buddy of someone that makes these decisions got rich and kicked back a huge check to a politician that approved the needlessly high budget for it. It so heavy it needs to be reset every year to level it as well.

The is a marble yard in PA with the same looking material for 1/20 the cost of the import

It cost almost 100,000 a year in maintenance that's in addition to the accident maintenance needed form leaks and construction in the area .


That also doesn't account for the teams of 6 people working 8 hour shifts JUST to maintain the floor daily 24/7 . Because of how much extra work it takes to keep those floors looking good over high traffic version that more scuff resistant.


That 18 - 30 people counting weekend staff on salary JUST to maintain the floor. If its not it can actually stain if they let the coating wear down that would need an acid wash to restore the color before reapplying the wax.

It just not a material made for the volume for foot traffic it has.


Over $350 a square foot to fix as well.

They could still probably replace it with high traffic composite marble that would look almost EXACTLY the same or even straight industrial poly plates with marble façade and no one but them would know the difference and end up saving money in the long run.

But no has to be certified imported Italian marble for some reason.


doglywolf t1_j2539vf wrote

Yes they are imported Italian marble that requires a crew constantly on duty to maintain even over night because they aren't made for high traffic .

The develops were set on imported Italian marble just so they can say " imported Italian marble" . It was against many of the builders and designers recommendations . One of the papers even did a write up on it years ago about how one of the leads was indirectly tied to the supplier as well and how the flooring cost 20x what it should have cost.

They even compared the high traffic coated marble and almost no one could visually tell the difference so the higher end stuff was just pure arrogance and indulgence

They need to be cleaned and waxed 10x more often the high tariff marble would of needed to be that would not of faded .


doglywolf t1_j24p5no wrote

there are apps and sms notifications you can sign up for for that .

Literally one called space events that you can even tell your location and will notifity you when cool things are coming you would be able to see from your area.


I used to feel the exact same way like id see news article about something cool that happened YESTERDAY and have this $1200 scope sitting in my closet that i never take out and be mad about it .


doglywolf t1_j24ogwg wrote

Nah - they turned path down A BUNCH and made them submit a ton of design attempts for the signage .

But those are the same geniuses at oculus that installed low traffic importeed Italian marble floors that need constant maintenance that looks exactly the same as high traffic gazed marble at 1/ 20th the cost.

There a documentary floating around i think on youtube about how bad some of the design choices and expenses were there .


doglywolf t1_j24jn78 wrote

Its been in the news and media a bunch of times over the years that Path wanted these for years but owners of oculus kept turning it down because it would " hurt the aesthetic. PA wanting to be uniform and having things match means it behind held up there held it up in a bunch of places.


doglywolf t1_j1v637n wrote

The short of it is that anyone that can do math complicated enough for space travel has will understand binary math which is what the instructions are in.


The only exception would aliens that use bio organics for space travel somehow which pretty sure you wouldn't want them figuring it out from every movie and sci fi series at least.

Or space travel is so common for the aliens it would be like us and cars - everyone smart enough to use the car - but not every driver knows the engineering behind it.


doglywolf t1_j0zehvc wrote

For sure! They don't get enough credit ! Modern one even do a great job at teach basic computer classes.

In my experience they have been the calmest nicest people excepct like one angry old lady at the central branch that seems to be annoyed when people even talk to her.

but 99 out of 100 are some of the best humans you will ever meet - i love people that are into books it says a lot about them too so im biased.


doglywolf t1_j0wftfr wrote

Anti flash coatings don't work on high end tariff cams that use a special tech to read plates.

They do work on low grade IR based cameras like a lot of city level traffic cams but your messing with getting caught by the state or Feds to get away avoiding a few red light cams.

Most tolls don't use flash technology - the common 3 techs are High band IR or REG , regulars band IR with IR projector and flash .

Most highway level system use HD Nightvision conversion or High BAND REG - some new ones use Laser based color correction and Id but they are very high end.


These coating are more for running red lights in local towns with mostly use normal band IRL projection or flash .


doglywolf t1_j0vqo48 wrote

Anyone with half a brain cell can see its a giant waste of money. It will get thousand of cars down to the entrance of the tunnel faster...and make a bigger longer parking lot.

If you cram 2 lanes into 8 back into 2 lanes of the tunnel--sometimes one.... making 4 lanes to get to the 8 lanes is not going to fix anything when its those 8 lanes fully backed up . . But leave to state to think spending 10 billion dollars getting people to that few block stretch of the 8 lanes would speed things up some how.

Take that money and build a new tunnel .



EDIT: Lets not even mentioned the 8 lanes were cut down to 5-6 at the entranced to make a reserve area for EMS vehicles years back .


doglywolf t1_j0a48i2 wrote

Rent should be 25% of your take home income .

So at 2400 that 28800 for the year *4 = $115,200 take home. or depending on your accountant about 150k Base salary.


People live tighter but the suggested to live comfortably is 25% of income.


Most people in their early 20s do it with less to enjoy the "lifestyle" for a few years . But should not really exceed 50%


doglywolf t1_izy081x wrote

The problem is that the Christie Administration pushed the idea of state owned landed = especially parks as profit machines and that ideal has kind of hung around post his admin.

The city sees it as a great local resource , the state see it as a future cash grab and there is a battle in the state to try to make money off things like this vs just giving it away for "public good".

Why make a public good when some politician can make a friend rich later with the same land. The bribe / kickback for the land just hasnt been good enough yet.


doglywolf t1_iz0wfnh wrote

Definitely an irate local angry they cant jog / run / walk their dog / ride their pretentious Escootter because when its busy the tables make it too crowded and god forbid they have to slow down or keep control of their dog for 30 seconds .

They are a lot of insane - angry people downtown that get really angry at the crowds.. almost like they chose to move into a super busy downtown district of a major city or something...


doglywolf t1_iyi5vtx wrote

In my life ive seen them go up and start to come down ...never did i expect this question but tells you how much things are changing but you know also odd question since no one does it for style ...they do it for anti theft... I don't think anyone goes...hey let me put some gaudy cast iron on all my windows and block my views for style

But if that really is some serious question and not some bad attempt at sarcasm then here is the real answer:


Few years back maybe even as recently as 4-5 years ago it was the hood of hoods. Ton of a abandon buildings and warehouses - drug dealers so entrenched in their spot they would set up full on canopies camping chairs to sit behind the warehouse and sell and the warehouses and big buildings would be come crack houses and stashes.

All along pacific and the side streets were extremely dangerous you would drive past half a dozen meth heads easily on any give day even in the middle of they day.

Meth heads , crazies , tons of robberies etc. So almost every door and window was secured - porches were fully enclosed. Just a few years ago i was shocked to start to see home owner taking down the gates on their porches and some even taking the bars off the windows !


It really started to change when the overflow from downtown started renting down there along pacific and some developers bought out the old foundry and turned it into housing complex called ....the foundry . City focused effort their pushed the dealers out , devs bought up all the old buildings , city put a pedestrian bridge in that you can cut down the main road to the park and take right to jersey ave.... Now they have a full on bridge.