
domine18 t1_j2feyxs wrote

While the military in the USA does invest in science it also invests in bombs…. Wish more funding went to science. Like wish we as a species just collectively said,” yep our forefathers were shitheads, let’s drop our grudges and let people exist as they want.” But that’s asking too much of humanity.


domine18 t1_j2fdrcj wrote

You are correct in that they wanted to drive out a force from “their” country. Much in the same way Russia wants to drive a force from “their” country in ukraine. They invaded. Japan gave up control in 1945. Leaving a vacuum for power differing opinions took root. Communism in the north( supported by USSR) and Democracy in the south (supported by USA). They were all Koreans but had different ideologies. America wanted to support a budding new democracy and stop the advancement of communism. A line was created in 1945 after WWII at the 38th parallel agreed by America and USSR to separate the two ideologies that both countries supported. Then June 25, 1950 North Korea crossed the line invading South Korea. And kicked off the Korean War.


domine18 t1_j2f2kf7 wrote

Huh? You can objectively say America should probably not have been there in the first place. But first punch??? North Korea said we want South Korea to be communist. America said we will help to make that not happen. Do not cross this line North. They crossed it and the Korean War started. It was handled poorly and all that. But first punch???? Really????