donnerpartytaconight t1_j2z75w0 wrote
Reply to comment by TinderForMidgets in College admissions scam mastermind sentenced to 3.5 years in federal prison by RaffyGiraffy
Sure, but he will exaggerate it on his next application.
donnerpartytaconight t1_j0i6wlm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Power cuts in seven states as deadly winter storm and tornadoes hit US by GroundbreakingGur930
Ohio power companies trim private property trees to maintain a clear right of way around power lines. They come by about every three years. We just had ours done and we have a lot of trees on the street.
donnerpartytaconight t1_iu6s0qf wrote
He secretly loves it, but it's not in his nature to let you know how much he loves it.
donnerpartytaconight t1_iu3svcs wrote
Reply to comment by NorCalAthlete in ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ Season 3 Greenlit by Prime Video, Already in Production by MarvelsGrantMan136
I teach and one of the sections I have is fabrication where I make the students start off with hand tools. After about a month of straight complaining about doing things by hand they start to really lean into it. They have learned what to expect from the material, how it reacts, they have some confidence in what the can do, they know how to slow down and focus effort, sharpen tools, act safe, plan their moves. By the end of the first three months most are trying to sign up for another section. After years of sitting in rooms, earning points and working for accolades, they are finally crafting something real and tangible.
The dissemination of knowledge is secondary, the life habits and sense of fulfillment for them is the main driver. It makes me honestly love my job.
donnerpartytaconight t1_j4itcxa wrote
Reply to comment by Accomplished-Eye1673 in Saw this on FB, but I just love those extra beans! by DirkDieGurke
Is your cat constantly stomping around driving you crazy?!