
dordemartinovic t1_jb7cgwh wrote

I suggest reading both official party platforms if you don’t think school choice is a partisan issue in Vermont

I also never called anyone a bad guy. I said Dan French’s job is to advance Republican education policy. That’s a fact.

And yes, the Democrats did do something about it back then. Guess what’s causing all this hullabaloo? The Supreme Court effectively overturning what the Democrats did


dordemartinovic t1_jb6xhh9 wrote

You heard what the Governor wants when Dan French opened his mouth. That’s what political appointees do.

But yeah, Scott is on the record supporting school choice.

I obviously wasn’t in the room when Scott selected French, but I do know that disagreement over this issue was a significant reason why French’s predecessor left, so it kind of follows that he was hired at least partially because of this