dorkishj t1_j7f267q wrote
Reply to Looking to make friends downtown by Rasta-Grandpa
I'm an old 40 bur I could make friends do do happy hours :)
dorkishj t1_j4qhkgz wrote
Reply to JC Pimp on TikTok by ChissWiz
He's not a pimp lol.
dorkishj t1_j4qge2t wrote
Reply to This person, who blocks the entire crosswalk and handicap ramp a few blocks from a school 🙄 by GreenTunicKirk
This happens alllll the time where I live. And no one does anything.
dorkishj t1_j3i6cba wrote
They do this every night.
dorkishj t1_j2prux9 wrote
Reply to comment by gigiwasabi_jc in Christ Hospital Review by ak2592
It was almost 2 years ago. Will be 2 years in march since the incident happened. He was severely constipated. Like 30bs of brick. The reason I took him in was because he was lethargic pale and had coca cola colored urine. We knew he was constipated as he's been seeing a specialist for over 4 years for his bowel issues. He screamed "no enema" when he came to finally and they treated me like complete crap, drug tested him, and then gave me an enema to go home with. I took him to christ right after that. And christ hospital doctor pulled a large plug of poop out with her fingers. The next day cpa came and aaod medical center called because my son was afraid of enemas. They dismissed my case after I released medical records and they asked him embarrassing questions. After that I had to take him to medical center again as his sugar plummeted again and ye was vomiting what appeared to be poop. They said they didn't have the means to care for him and called an ambulance to take us to Newark Beth Isreal. Where they put an NG tube and cleared him out. Medical Center is not equipped to handle children. The doctor wasn't even reading the labs correctly as she was going off of adult normals. I will never trust them again with my son.
dorkishj t1_j2ple7u wrote
Reply to Christ Hospital Review by ak2592
I have mixed feelings.
Jersey City Medical Center wouldn't help my son with his severe issue. We went to christ after rhe the doctor went in manually and fixed his issue foe the time being. She did the dirty work that JCMC wouldn't do.
Now I've had three relatives go to christ and die. One passed away when she didn't have to. The hospital failed to check her liver enzymes. The hospital itself is dirty but some of the doctors and nurses are amazing. And some are ehh..
Same with most hospitals. My advice? Go to Englewood or Hackensack.
dorkishj t1_j0b4h9w wrote
You'll have to pay 100 bucks for trying to get a $2.75 fair for free
dorkishj t1_j07w7dh wrote
Reply to Found dog: Berry Lane Park by will0w27
awww. hope the owner is found!
dorkishj t1_j07w0pw wrote
Reply to Shake Shack Newport Mall by HaythamMerimi
I think before. Back in the day it was a Sbaro pizza?
dorkishj t1_j07vww0 wrote
Reply to Shake Shack Newport Mall by HaythamMerimi
Jonny rockets
dorkishj t1_j07vuww wrote
Reply to comment by dunkeykang in Where do students attend after PS16? by consuellabanana
A long time ago. Around 2010.
I went to ps 16.. I remember it only having 400 students from k to 8.
Now it's I believe second or third grade(not sure what grades are at the new annex) and like 500 students.
dorkishj t1_j07vhrx wrote
Reply to Package thief in my building. by Unlimitedxrice
It is sad that people do this. Ugh
dorkishj t1_j07veoe wrote
dorkishj t1_j07v95i wrote
Aww what a cutie. I'm glad the dog was reunited with it's family
dorkishj t1_j07v3bd wrote
The other day I took a walk over there and a group of people were tossing whatever they could in the water. No one has any respect.
dorkishj t1_j07udxx wrote
If you don't live downtown you don't get in.
dorkishj t1_j07tzyx wrote
I live in a high rise and had a leak in my kitchen. They tore the wall apart and taped it. After that I started hearing scratching at night. I put a glue trap out thinking I had a mouse but couldn't confirm and I caught it in the morning. I started finding little holes in my wall! I called the building manager and they got an exterminator and had maintenance patch up the walls. It's the buildings job to get rid of the issue but you have to work with them too.
dorkishj t1_j04xd8z wrote
Ashford has done this. So has city diner.
dorkishj t1_iyf0390 wrote
Reply to i deliver full time on all 3 apps, doordash, grubhub, & uber eats i can answer any questions you below by [deleted]
Please tell me you're not one of those who drive their ebikes on the sidewalk almost hitting pedestrians. I got hit last month and the guy cursed at me. How do you report that where it gets taken seriously. I'm still bruised from the incident.
dorkishj t1_iw2hvan wrote
To stop pushing children with issues up just to get rid of them. My oldest child has special needs and instead of putting him in special education classes. They pulled him out of the class during tests and basically gave e him the answers. They said special Ed classes were for problematic children and he shouldn't be jn there. They also wouldn't leave him back because he was trying. Even though his grades were bad he was still trying and leaving back is a punishment.
Make school lunches free for all. They dispose of the uneaten food anyway or let staff bring them home.
Teach the teachers not to take their home problems to school with them. Some teachers are straight up bitchy because of a bad morning. That's not ok.
In my sons school , idk about the rest, calm the gym teacher down with the children. It's not the fkn army. My sons intestines are weak and full. He's got severe issues and even with a doctors note and a call from me she still told my son that I do not control her class.
Stop rushing them for eating lunch. Some children are diabetic and do need that meal on time. They give them 10 minutes or less!
Have the teachers stop telling their live story during class and actually teach. Or better yet, teach your teachers not to humiliate a child in front of all of the other students because they are slow. Mt son came home and told me his math teacher actually threw a 2 second party because a child actually submitted work on time. It was a sarcastic little party.
Employee more staff. The nurse and anti bully counselor have to run between two schools every day. It mist be stressful on them.
Actually Crack down on those using other people addresses to ve zoned into the better school. It takes away from a child who is actually zoned.
Stop underfunded the schools. They are struggling. Some don't even have toilet paper !
I am sure there's more. I'm just tired right now.
dorkishj t1_ivs0bot wrote
Reply to Cardiologist by No-Practice-8038
Dr Barruchin is great and he's on Franklin Street in the heights.
dorkishj OP t1_iu4v7kc wrote
Reply to comment by mrnomer2000 in When will anyone enforce riding in the street? by dorkishj
Ive seen cyclists stop at red lights. They know what they're doing! You have buttheads everywhere who just don't care and it ruins it foe the people who do care. Just today bringing my son to school someone kept ringing a bell, I turned around and it was a woman on a bike.. she was rushing us to move on a busy sidewalk so she can get by. I wondered why she just doesn't ride in the street. But i don't know her story, maybe she got hit by a car and was traumatized. Who knows. We all need to just work together to stay safe. Jersey city needs to be a community and we need to work with eachother. Unfortunately I've seen nothing but nastiness and rude people within the last 10 years. It sucks.
dorkishj t1_iu4ud5i wrote
Reply to Trick or treat? by objectimpermanence
That new building on Columbus.. Hau25 or whatever it's called had a huge pile of crap right in front of the stairs. It's been there almost 2 days. People don't know how to clean up after their pets and ifs gross.
dorkishj t1_j9gx0r0 wrote
Reply to Paulus Hook Walking Crew by TheMikri
I'd love to join!