
dovetc t1_jadolo7 wrote

Well that perspective might make sense. There was a story here a week or two ago that something like 90% or more of cases for expulsion were overruled by the school board. If principals, who are on the ground dealing with these problems are having their judgements overruled in nearly all cases, maybe it's best if they have a bit more leverage in such matters.


dovetc t1_jacpqvl wrote

There's no logical basis for black to be a proper noun but white not be one. The logic from the AP is ridiculous:

>For many people, Black reflects a shared sense of identity and community

A black guy from Richmond and a black guy from Equatorial Guinea don't share a sense of identity and community any more than a white guy from Richmond and a white guy from Latvia.

The terms describe race, not culture. There isn't any good reason for them to have different grammar.


dovetc t1_jacmy3t wrote

>After all, she pointed out, “We already capitalize Asian, Hispanic, African American and Native American.”

Then the obvious move is to capitalize White as well.

>capitalizing the word in this context risks following the lead of white supremacists.

Nonsense. White supremacists drink water too, but that doesn't mean water consumption risks following their lead.


dovetc t1_ja7sbk2 wrote

From reading the comments you would think there was some conspiracy of silence surrounding this tidbit. The truth is that it's simply not the important part of the story upon which history did or did not turn.

The failed English expedition wasn't a part of a larger invasion of Spain that presented an existential threat to the Spanish governing apparatus.

The status of the new church in England was far from a settled question at the time of the SA. This represented a real potential turning point or historical counterfactual had the monarchy been placed back in the hands of a Catholic. There was no such tension underpinning the English counter-raid.

Your history teachers didn't hide this from you. They curated the curriculum to fit highlight the more important bits because there's only so many hours in a school day.


dovetc t1_iy8ept7 wrote

Kind of silly to assert that Jesus doesn't hate sin:

>And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. Mark 7, 20-23


dovetc t1_iu0dj98 wrote

Because it's not alarming or particularly unexpected? Energy companies make more when energy prices increase. When energy prices come back down, so will Shell's profits. Broadly speaking, Shell is more at the mercy of these global market forces than they are in control of them. I'm sure XOM and CVX are also doing quite well this year.