
downrightlazy OP t1_iyrwkys wrote

This probably isn't going to help, but you live and you learn right ? Next time you get hit by a car, you'll probably make less mistakes. Tbf, i'd be blaming myself the same way as you if it happened to me and that constant cycle of negative thoughts and baratement would continue despite someone telling me it isn't my fault, but fuck it, it's not your fault mate, take a deep breath and just try to clear your mind for one minute atleast. You deserve that. You'll figure this out. Cheers.


downrightlazy OP t1_iyrvnw0 wrote

Reply to comment by brabdnon in Internal Dialogue [OC] by downrightlazy

Thank you for the kind words. I'm just getting the hang of perspective and I'm trying to experiment with it as much as possible. I'm glad you've found some peace, perhaps I'd get there one day. Cheers mate.


downrightlazy OP t1_iyq2n8u wrote

Reply to comment by xannmax in Internal Dialogue [OC] by downrightlazy

You're pretty much spot on there u/xannmax, I've had a constant stream of negative dialogue running in my head for some time now and it's been an exhausting manner of existence. I'm glad that you understood but also sorry that you can relate, which is a weird sentence. Much love and keep fighting the good fight mate.