
dpdxguy t1_ja3sd5k wrote

I also have to wonder what kind of person assumes Amazon vets the claims of every product and seller on their website.

Who doesn't see Amazon as a rapacious marketeer that will do almost anything to make a buck? It treats its employees like shit, but she thought they'd be very concerned about mislabeled products?!?


dpdxguy t1_ja3gig0 wrote

I agree that this was probably a training issue. The article implies as much. I'll also note that the article says that in prior similar situations, the employee involved has done the right thing, making it sound like this was a one off situation.


dpdxguy t1_j6j3pmr wrote

>nobody would have bothered blackmailing them in the first place.

The article clearly states that the extortion ring went after targets big and small.

However, it also seems clear that the primary reason the police went after the extortion ring was that it was making the police look bad to the powers that be. IOW, it's the police that would not have bothered if (some of) the victims had not been wealthy and powerful


dpdxguy t1_j1aemyw wrote

Interesting take on OP's post. I took it to mean OP had been cheated on, was suspicious and spied to confirm their suspicions. Afterward they realized that the relationship was irrevocably broken at the point where they were suspicious. Suspicion, not confirmation, was the signal that they no longer trusted their partner.


dpdxguy t1_ixvaps1 wrote

I wish they'd done a longer term follow-up, though. The fact that empathy was maintained for a week doesn't tell us much about long term changes in opinions.


dpdxguy t1_ixs9dwg wrote

>doesn't hurt to do some endurance testing.

Sure. But op said the next six days would be telling. The question I had was, "Why will the next six days tell us stuff that the previous and however remain following the six won't tell?" I suspect the answer is, "They won't. It's the entire mission outside of LEO and Van Allen Belt transit that will tell us how it handles 'deep space.'"


dpdxguy t1_ixredpd wrote

You know we've been sending spacecraft far past the moon since the 70s, right? The Webb telescope is parked on the far side of the Moon, far further more distant from the Earth than Artimis I is going.

EDIT: learned that Webb is not on the far side of the Moon as I had erroneously thought. It is, however, far further from the Earth than any planned Artimis mission.