
draconis_cypher t1_ja8ao1l wrote

My goodness reading your post brought up a song from my past "eve of destruction by Barry McGuiere". LOL. I actually have a teenager myself and I am optimistic rather than a cynic. Someone once said bad news sells faster than good. It is easier to believe negative things than positive. Here are some things you might want to keep in mind

climate change: yeah humans did not help it and it is a thing. Plenty of scient to back it up but it is not like it has not happened before. It is natural and humans were able to weather the storm as cavemen I am sure we can handle the coming weather patterns. Humans by our very nature are resilient and we are versatile enough to see it coming and try to do something about it. It will be up to our children's generation to design and develop ways to live more in tune with nature instead of like a pack of locusts on a cornfield enhancements we are meeting our future demands by turning deserts into farmland, pulling water out of the sky vice the aqueducts and looking for new ways to apply supplychain problems around the world. Death: cancer will be cured in our lifetime (take a look at the work they are doing in Health Nannites and the cyberborg Cell, amazing). As a veteran we now know that if people get to a medic in the first few minutes their chances of staying alive go up dramatically. We are always on the Eve of destruction, people are people we fight, love and hate in equal measures but Dont let the fear guide you but rather look at it from what is possible not with certainty. Speaking as someone who has been in combat probably more times than I can count and seeing Death in all its myriad forms I can still come out optimistic for the next generation. Fear of tomorrow never did anyone any good. If we allowed fear of collapse we would have never left the caves.

Possible Collapse: Wars happen. Myself I am a veteran and there was not one time in the last 20 years that I did not go down range. There is not much we can do about this but look at it like the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. We had a pandemic (COVID), humans responded to meet the threat, and though everything is not all the way back to normal we learned and we got better so the next time it happens we will be more equipped to handle it. Famine we live in a society where everything is at our fingertips and with the new scientific enhancements we are meeting our future demands by turning deserts into farmland, pulling water out of the sky vice the aqueducts, and looking for new ways to apply supply-chain problems around the world. Death: cancer will be cured in our lifetime (take a look at the work they are doing in Health Nannites and the cyber borg Cell, amazing). As a veteran, we now know that if people get to a medic in the first few minutes their chances of staying alive go up dramatically. We are always on the Eve of destruction, people are people we fight, love and hate in equal measures but Dont let fear guide you but rather look at it from what is possible not with certainty. Speaking as someone who has been in combat probably more times than I can count and seeing Death in all its myriad forms I can still come out optimistic for the next generation. Fear of tomorrow never did anyone any good. If we allowed fear of collapse we would have never left the caves.

Economy: it goes up and down that is the way it works. Are things as cheap as they once were nope but I make way more money than my father he made more money than his father. We help out kids and train them for a brighter future focusing them on skills that they will. need to survive and thrive which in turn will help with the economy. Things that will shape our future in the next 10 years Cold Fusion will become more available and with easier access to energy worldwide that will help shape greener living and the economy as we will spend less on Fossil fuels. Fusion will also allow us to break the speed to mars and moon exploration and colonization which they are already working on so now the stars will become in reach which opens up more opportunities for the world economy.

AI: You can look at AI as good and bad but take a look for yourself. I personally have incorporated ChatGPT into my daily life and remember it is a learning tool first, Skynet it is not. AI will happen people tend to focus on the negative results of AI but thinking ahead some of what they are using it for is robotic Hospice workers to help out in homes for our elderly (look at Japan), AI that assists our doctors to break out of the what is known and look at our illnesses from more than limited single doctor experience which will increase the benefits of our health, Automate daily tasks and help us save money (look at the example of chatGPT and traffic court). AI is here and it is not going anywhere but we can leverage it for good or bad just how we look at it. In our generation computers were calculators and now everyone has a smart phone that runs our life. Our children grew up learning on Youtube where we had school books. Our children are learning faster than we ever could which makes them able to be more resilient and able to deal with the new challenges in this new age of Technology

My old Ranger instructor once told me "If you cant change it, don't bitch about it. The only thing you can change is how you handle it, good, bad or ugly but it never helped anyone coming from a place of fear but always come at a problem from a place of strength and confidence." My personal motto is "there are no problems only solutions waiting to be found." I have instilled that in my daughter from a early age and now she is looking at the future in a optimistic way. So all this is me trying to tell you that our children have a world of exploration in front of them where technology will be there hand and hand with them. In their life time cancer will be a thing of the past, we will reach the stars and we will better able to live in tune with our environment vice against it.