
draculamilktoast t1_j3gw6o7 wrote

Reply to comment by LowRezDragon in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

The typical billionaire has so many ladders that it would fill the screen. Not just the picture, your whole screen, and then some. The problem would be getting over or around the ladders rather than the wall. The pile of ladders of millionaires would still be quite a climb, but you could quite easily make it as you would have slaves carrying you over. Meanwhile the most hardworking average person has approximately a single stick and is lambasted for not getting over the wall with it, with armies of self-help gurus screaming at the top of their lungs and ladders for you to turn a stick into a ladder like it's something you can feasibly do.


draculamilktoast t1_j3brgyx wrote

Reply to comment by Variablysalt198 in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

Assuming that man has a tiny body and normal head and estimating the weigths to be roughly the same size as the head, we can arrive at an estimate of 15000 dreams/balloons.

The volume of a male head is roughly 1329 cc. 1329 cc of lead weighs 15.1 kg. There are 6 weights, so we get roughly 90 kg. This is surprisingly low, and I assume the real weigth would be much more. We can assume the man also weighs 90 kg to offset the lead probably weighing more because of not being round. So probably something like 200 kg if we round up a bit. According to this you need about a litre of helium for each gram you want to lift, so you need 200K litres of helium. According to the same source, we can divide that number by 15 to get an approximation for the amount of balloons we need, which is 13333. To stay on the safe side I would go with at least 15K balloons.


draculamilktoast t1_ixdhekk wrote

> (1) Do we want to continue increasing the data collection levels (you could argue that it will correlate to safety for some)

Yes, because we wish to extinguish privacy.

> (2) Do we want to keep this data collection in the hands of opaque institutions?

Yes, because we crave post-orwellian authoritarianism so nightmarish it makes North Korea look like anarchy.

I'm not being sarcastic, I'm making observations.


draculamilktoast t1_issanoh wrote

If you want to attack an otherwise peaceful nation that will use robots to slaughter everybody you send over their border then maybe you're called Putin and should be ashamed of yourself instead of trying to brainwash people into not defending themselves because you think they have a moral responsibility to be pacifists but you don't. This is all on him and any Russian who doesn't oppose him.

Speaking of Putin, do you think he cares? Nothing will change the mind of a mass murderer like him and even if you killed all 150 million Russian soldiers that crossed your borders they still wouldn't depose him and they would just keep sending more soldiers to rape children. Your theory breaks down because you assume Russians will back down due to losses when they just double down when they lose. You may think that there is some sense in left in their minds, that they aren't exactly like the unthinking machines you fear, but if anything they are less humane than unthinking machines even. Unthinking machines can be turned off when the war is won but enraged Russians will keep raping innocent civilians for decades after a war.

Even Russia itself has admitted that over a million people have been relocated away from a potentially prosperous life under a more western civilization only to be repeatedly raped under Russian justice (because they will have to spread their message of terror to make their potential future enemies afraid of them). I'd take a robot controlled by sane people over a bunch of hooligans ruled by an insane gas-station-mob-boss-macho-rapelord any day.

> why are both sides fighting in the first place?

Russia because Putin wants a legacy, the west because we still remember Hitler and what resulted when he was appeased time and time again. You could make the very same argument about not using tanks against Hitler but you would simultaneously be handing over the entire planet to him. Your intentions may be founded in sensible pacifism, but that won't work against the kind of people who use death camps to exterminate entire ethnic groups.